Looking for more friends

hey guys I'm looking for some more friends as I continue to work towards my goals that I have set for myself. I'm looking to lise around 70 pounds by the end of the year and so far I'm doing ok just need lots if support and motivation from all my friends and I will do that in return as well .


  • puddle17
    puddle17 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I also have a lot to lose and love a buddy to encourage and chat to :D
  • griersonwedding2015
    griersonwedding2015 Posts: 38 Member
    i just finished losing 73 lbs so i know you can do it! i am not on here as much i log my cals then log off basically!! hahabut if you need support find me here:
    instagram : sweatingbeautyshay
    facebook: search Schaeffer Grierson
    blog: schaeffermgrierson.wordpress.com

    i want to start having "online" "pen pals" connected through the fitness and health world! people i can talk to and possibly become long distance friends with through a healthy journey!!!
  • fitnessmom99
    fitnessmom99 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you i added you ad a friend on facebook
  • janisvin
    janisvin Posts: 72 Member
    You are welcome to add me; I love being of service and supporting people! Currently I'm maintaining a 15lb loss and still excited every day.
  • simply_bubbz
    simply_bubbz Posts: 245 Member
    I need the support and motivation tremendously! add me guys we can do this together!!!!