Thoughts on carb cycling?

I have read a little about it in a few articles. Just interested to know what people think, any suggestions for low and high carb meals, breakfast especially (addicted to muesli and yogurt. May need to find an alternative for low carb days)..


  • ljspoor
    ljspoor Posts: 3 Member
    It isn't really the case of meals it don't eat any carbs on the specific day.

    My standard day starts with oatibix (carbs) then lunch is turkey mince, asparagus and sweet potato (carbs) and evening would be chicken with wholegrain rice (carbs)

    So simply take out those carbs for the day you're on. But be sure to always have carbs for breakfast (so a low carbs day just have carbs a breakfast, this is because it'll be your starting energy for the day. Medium day have breakfast and lunch/dinner vice versa and high carb days, have them on all three meals..
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Not seen anything convincing about benefit. Bacon and egg or an omelette would be a zero carb breakfast alternative.
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    edited June 2015
    Adds complexity to your diet, but nutrient timing does have impact...just not as much as once believed. So if you time your carbs around your training and you find this gives you better gym performance and recovery for the next training session and you can adhere to this protocol of eating... fine, then go with it. But calorie for calorie (not including the benefit of the added gym performance), it does not bio-hack the body into losing weight any different/better than a diet with a more balanced eating approach that's less complex. So if adherence due to the added complexity is causing issue, then do something else. It still boils down to balancing the calories in vs calories out equation regardless if thats high carb, low fat; low carb, high fat; medium carb....etc...