Looking to get serious.



  • JanetL86
    JanetL86 Posts: 10 Member
    No, I am ready to start. Like my post said I'm looking to lose fat. NOT lose fat and muscle. I want to build muscle and tone up. Not on a bodybuilder level. But even they had to start somewhere and I doubt do a calorie deficit and find what you like is the advice they received.
  • Tydeclare44
    Tydeclare44 Posts: 572 Member
    Honestly, go on IIFYM.com and use their calculator. It will tell you exactly what to eat, and you can break it down into however many meals you want. I use it, just as many others have. It's easy and sustainable. I myself had some success with low carb, but I also lost a lot of muscle, so a big thing to keep in mind is yes, CICO does lose WEIGHT, but what kind of weight is the big question. When you lose weight, naturally you will lose muscle, but the amount can be reduced. Feel free to add me if you want support/more help.
  • Nichola220
    Nichola220 Posts: 3 Member
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    Thank you Ty. I was seriously regretting posting this. Pretty bad first post makes you want to give up before you even start because the answers are so discouraging. I'm looking to lose only fat, which I understand may be impossible for the most part unless you eat certain ways. I know I need to eat less carbs but I also know certain days are ok to eat more carbs. I'm not a huge fan of fish and dairy is not a friend. I have basic knowledge but not the knowledge I need to get where I want to be. I know I'm not working out intensely enough yet to have "the ROCK" size carb up days. But I need a starting point.
    I have never commented on a post before. You must find what works for you. My friend loves the 5:2 dirt, whereas it leaves me feeling angry. I think the posts have been both informative and encouraging.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    No, I am ready to start. Like my post said I'm looking to lose fat. NOT lose fat and muscle. I want to build muscle and tone up. Not on a bodybuilder level. But even they had to start somewhere and I doubt do a calorie deficit and find what you like is the advice they received.

    For someone who is "looking to get serious" and wants to "enjoy the journey and do it right for the final time." you're not really looking at things objectively. You seem to be taking the victim role here. Take control over your nutrition, diet, exercise plan, and do what works best for you! You think the people who are bodybuilders put the responsibility of their routine on someone else? Or did they take responsibility for their diet and actually LEARN what works for them? They educated themselves on nutrition, they educated themselves through trial and error on eating styles, they educated themselves through consistent failure and refused to give up.

    No one diet fits all.
  • JanetL86
    JanetL86 Posts: 10 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    No, I am ready to start. Like my post said I'm looking to lose fat. NOT lose fat and muscle. I want to build muscle and tone up. Not on a bodybuilder level. But even they had to start somewhere and I doubt do a calorie deficit and find what you like is the advice they received.

    For someone who is "looking to get serious" and wants to "enjoy the journey and do it right for the final time." you're not really looking at things objectively. You seem to be taking the victim role here. Take control over your nutrition, diet, exercise plan, and do what works best for you! You think the people who are bodybuilders put the responsibility of their routine on someone else? Or did they take responsibility for their diet and actually LEARN what works for them? They educated themselves on nutrition, they educated themselves through trial and error on eating styles, they educated themselves through consistent failure and refused to give up.

    No one diet fits all.
    Alright LOOK. I was graced with a naturally athletic body that I could eat anything and do whatever. Then I joined the Army and after 3 years I suddenly came down with a medical disorder and started stress eating and eventually they kicked me out. So after continually stress eating and never having learned what I should and shouldn't eat. Im here asking for help from others who have gained weight and wanted to lose it. I'm not here for eat in a deficit. Find what works for you. I'm here for GUIDANCE. For REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES on what people tried and had the best luck with. Apparently you must have had luck. What worked for you. What are u currently doing? Must be doing more then eating whatever you want and remaining in a deficit. IF you are that doesn't work for everyone. Where do I start where all I have to do is tweak it to fit me instead of starting over fresh. Its called learning from others failures.
  • JanetL86
    JanetL86 Posts: 10 Member
    edited June 2015
    And if you think eat in a deficit and eat what works for you is supportive and encouraging then I'll be nice and say. I'm not on here looking for generic "supportive and encouraging answers" Like in my previous post. I want REAL, trial and error results that others tried. I'm not looking to waste years finding what works for me because in the end I'll always default to my past ways when things get hard because nothing has worked for me in the past. I want someone to say heres what worked for me so I can tell myself on day 3, 4, or 5 when *kitten* gets hard and cravings set in " hey this worked for them. Lets try this another week before we tweak it and see how it goes". Like I said I'm not a nutritionist so ask me what to eat and lose weight and Ill tell you generic crap I've read and tried and failed at.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I gave you a formula for what's worked.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    No, I am ready to start. Like my post said I'm looking to lose fat. NOT lose fat and muscle. I want to build muscle and tone up. Not on a bodybuilder level. But even they had to start somewhere and I doubt do a calorie deficit and find what you like is the advice they received.

    For someone who is "looking to get serious" and wants to "enjoy the journey and do it right for the final time." you're not really looking at things objectively. You seem to be taking the victim role here. Take control over your nutrition, diet, exercise plan, and do what works best for you! You think the people who are bodybuilders put the responsibility of their routine on someone else? Or did they take responsibility for their diet and actually LEARN what works for them? They educated themselves on nutrition, they educated themselves through trial and error on eating styles, they educated themselves through consistent failure and refused to give up.

    No one diet fits all.
    Alright LOOK. I was graced with a naturally athletic body that I could eat anything and do whatever. Then I joined the Army and after 3 years I suddenly came down with a medical disorder and started stress eating and eventually they kicked me out. So after continually stress eating and never having learned what I should and shouldn't eat. Im here asking for help from others who have gained weight and wanted to lose it. I'm not here for eat in a deficit. Find what works for you. I'm here for GUIDANCE. For REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES on what people tried and had the best luck with. Apparently you must have had luck. What worked for you. What are u currently doing? Must be doing more then eating whatever you want and remaining in a deficit. IF you are that doesn't work for everyone. Where do I start where all I have to do is tweak it to fit me instead of starting over fresh. Its called learning from others failures.

    what if i told you... that's the advice i got and i DID find what worked for me? Every single answer from every single individual here will be different. We are all different.

    I am a vegetarian and have been my entire life. What worked for me? Eating the $h!t i like but less of it.

    What makes you think if you've " generic crap I've read and tried and failed at." that you'll succeed by doing it again? That is essentially what you're asking for. Hey guys, i know i've tried and failed in the past just doing what other people said worked for them and eating foods that worked for them, but can i try it again?

    Honestly, I am done. I have been on MFP for 4 years and i HAVE reached my goals. I stick around to help others reach theirs. But if you refuse to read any of the information we've given and want to be stubborn, your success or failure is up to you. good luck.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I am going to guess you and I have the same body type, ectomorph. You lose fat by eating less than you do now. Start thinking portions rather than types of food. I suggest getting a scale and measuring out a portion of your food before you eat it. This will help you visualize what portions are reasonable. Your idea of preportioning at the beginning of the week is good. I use mason jars a lot for my premade salads and refrigerator oatmeal. Ziplocks are handy too. Log everything you put in your mouth, including snacks. If you have 1500 a day, try and limit main meals to about 400 to 500 each so you don't run out of calories before the end of the day.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I eat everything except rich loaded desserts that are 3000 calories each.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    I eat everything except rich loaded desserts that are 3000 calories each.

    I eat everything except meat. And my favorite food is cheesecake. I still fit cheesecake into my diet because if I deprive myself of the things i love i WILL binge and i will gain the weight back. ;P
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Changing your diet for weight loss is a lot easier than you are imagining it. There are very small changes you can make. The very act of logging everything often leads to weight loss because do you want to log five servings of hiker's mix, or stop at one (decent portion)? If you must have a plan here's one.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Link didn't take.
  • thebzax89
    thebzax89 Posts: 12 Member
    I can only echo what other people have said. Have a look at your macros and aim to hit them so you're getting a good mix of carbs/protein/fat and make sure you're at a calorie deficit.

    The problem is that you've already specifically said that no 'here's what you should eat when' diets have worked for you, and to be honest that's pretty common. In order to make it a long-term lifestyle change, which is what will keep the weight off after you lose it, you're going to need to be responsible for your diet in the long term. Following a certain diet plan is fine until you fall off the wagon and start stress eating again. Just following a calorie deficit will prevent you from one day eating every carb you see and ruining a low-carb diet for example.

    And this IS the 'tried and tested' guidance you're looking for. Just because it is as simple as 'don't eat too much' doesn't mean it doesn't work.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    Thank you Ty. I was seriously regretting posting this. Pretty bad first post makes you want to give up before you even start because the answers are so discouraging. I'm looking to lose only fat, which I understand may be impossible for the most part unless you eat certain ways. I know I need to eat less carbs but I also know certain days are ok to eat more carbs. I'm not a huge fan of fish and dairy is not a friend. I have basic knowledge but not the knowledge I need to get where I want to be. I know I'm not working out intensely enough yet to have "the ROCK" size carb up days. But I need a starting point.

    Honestly you need to educate yourself on nutrution. people have been helpful but your current level of understanding is making it difficult for you to understand how weight loss really works.

    Everyone wants to lose only fat, the best way of maximising that is to eat at a deficit and also lift , so that you retain the maximum lean body mass. Its not to do with what you eat.

    If you dont like fish and you dont like dairy, then ermm dont eat them. It seems your current understanding is getting in the way . Keep it simple.

  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    edited June 2015
    You can't expect someone to come up with the best answer for YOU. :# Most people here have, yes, been through years of trial and error to find what works for them. Why are you trying to take a shortcut? It is journey, YOUR journey - strap in, eat in deficit, and enjoy yourself. Take some yoga classes, boxing, or something you think you will enjoy and can maintain long term. Look in the success stories on the forum - there are pages of real life success stories, each one is completely different. Don't get bored with your workouts or food, always try to switch it up.
    There's no problem in asking for help, just be polite about it and most people here will be willing to help. :)
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    edited June 2015
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    Thank you Ty. I was seriously regretting posting this. Pretty bad first post makes you want to give up before you even start because the answers are so discouraging. I'm looking to lose only fat, which I understand may be impossible for the most part unless you eat certain ways. I know I need to eat less carbs but I also know certain days are ok to eat more carbs. I'm not a huge fan of fish and dairy is not a friend. I have basic knowledge but not the knowledge I need to get where I want to be. I know I'm not working out intensely enough yet to have "the ROCK" size carb up days. But I need a starting point.

    Don't be discouraged because it's not impossible. And you certainly don't have to eat a specific way. You just have to eat fewer calories than your body burns. How you compose the food within that calorie allowance is up to you.

    That being said, nutrition is important for health and satiety (so that you're not hungry all the time). It's important for health and satiety to get your protein/fats/fiber in. Try to hit the goals that MFP sets for you and you can adjust them later on if that's not working for you. Then you can fill the rest of your calories with whatever you want (yes, even chips, chocolate, and ice cream). Hitting your macros/micros will help you in the long term with your health, retaining muscle mass, and with sticking to your diet.

    Here's my more specific advice that I don't feel like typing out again. Hope it helps: myfitnesspal.com/blog/SingRunTing
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    JanetL86 wrote: »
    And if you think eat in a deficit and eat what works for you is supportive and encouraging then I'll be nice and say. I'm not on here looking for generic "supportive and encouraging answers" Like in my previous post. I want REAL, trial and error results that others tried. I'm not looking to waste years finding what works for me because in the end I'll always default to my past ways when things get hard because nothing has worked for me in the past. I want someone to say heres what worked for me so I can tell myself on day 3, 4, or 5 when *kitten* gets hard and cravings set in " hey this worked for them. Lets try this another week before we tweak it and see how it goes". Like I said I'm not a nutritionist so ask me what to eat and lose weight and Ill tell you generic crap I've read and tried and failed at.

    Don't be mean to people who are trying to help you.