Weight fluctuation or did I gain?

rhinomidget Posts: 52 Member
edited June 2015 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
Hi everyone,

I am 5'1 and I just weighed myself..I came out to be 101.9 lbs...which is a pound and a half over my normal (I know, I know, BIG DEAL) but.. I don't feel bloated, I don't FEEL like I gained a pound and a half - and I was wondering if this could actually be accurate??

I'm not sure if I'm just completely in denial, but I woke up today feeling fantastic and feeling like my body looked fantastic... I'm usually around 100 lbs and I usually fluctuate from 99 - 100 a lot..but where did this 101 come from? I haven't really changed anything that I'm eating/drinking and I haven't changed my workout routine at all.. I'm probably putting waaay too much energy into one little pound, but I work hard at maintaining my weight and seeing that 101 got me pretty confused and annoyed.

I was just wondering why this could have happened and why I look and feel a pound or two smaller than I am? (I apologize for sounding completely insane, but it's just irritating seeing that number after I kill myself over maintaining my weight)

(I also apologize for the probably very bad english, it is not my first language)


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    body weight isn't static...your weight is a range, not a specific number...you have all kinds of stuff going on...varying degrees of waste in your system..water retention/release, etc...all of that and more shows up on the scale.

    I weight anywhere from 185 - 190 throughout the week with a trend of 188 as my 4 months average. track the trend.

    Also, 101 is at the very lowest end of a healthy weight for a 5'1" female with a small frame...so really, why are you worried about this?
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    Ditto above.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    agree with other posters...weight fluctuates a few pounds up and down daily naturally.
  • Kittens1989
    Kittens1989 Posts: 1 Member
    Heya. Any advice. I'm not on my time of the month and I'm on a weight maintenance diet maintaining under my target.
    Over the last few weeks I've gained a couple of kg. I don't know if this is my body trying to fight and get back to the genetic band (which is a step too far at present) or whether it is the alcohol consumed at a wedding and my birthday. Anyone know?