Plexus- You'll Lose 20lbs for only $1,000 and your first born!



  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I've never heard of it but LMAO :D@you can poop that in a day!

    Ditto here

    Dying :joy:
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Seriously, it can totally ruin friendships when people 'get religion' with these MLM things.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I have a Shakeology "coach" on my Facebook. Keeps inviting me to "promo sales", and constantly posts about "challenges to lose xx pounds in a week!" I've been tempted more than once to point out that it's just water weight lost, and losing weight in your wallet.

    It Works is another one I've seen a former high school classmate get involved in. And then don't get me started on all of the people who are suddenly selling purses, "all natural" makeup, nail stickers, or what have you. Nopeeeeeee.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I have a Shakeology "coach" on my Facebook. Keeps inviting me to "promo sales", and constantly posts about "challenges to lose xx pounds in a week!" I've been tempted more than once to point out that it's just water weight lost, and losing weight in your wallet.

    It Works is another one I've seen a former high school classmate get involved in. And then don't get me started on all of the people who are suddenly selling purses, "all natural" makeup, nail stickers, or what have you. Nopeeeeeee.

    I just realized how many quotation marks I used in this post. Shows how not srs I think all of these things are.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    teanahk wrote: »
    Ugh. I wish people would stick to selling Tupperware and Avon. At least that crap is useful.

    I have a few FB friends who seem to be selling all the MLM crap. Lately it's all been about some miracle wrinkle remover cream and tea.

    One can never have enough tupperware

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited June 2015
    My sister in law sells that juice crap

    You'd think she would be at goal by now

  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    teanahk wrote: »
    Ugh. I wish people would stick to selling Tupperware and Avon. At least that crap is useful.

    I have a few FB friends who seem to be selling all the MLM crap. Lately it's all been about some miracle wrinkle remover cream and tea.

    One can never have enough tupperware


    I'm a convert to Pyrex dishes with Tupperware lids... It's the FUTURE!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    teanahk wrote: »
    Ugh. I wish people would stick to selling Tupperware and Avon. At least that crap is useful.

    I have a few FB friends who seem to be selling all the MLM crap. Lately it's all been about some miracle wrinkle remover cream and tea.

    One can never have enough tupperware


    I'm a convert to Pyrex dishes with Tupperware lids... It's the FUTURE!

    Lock & Lock

    you know it makes sense
  • CJsf1t
    CJsf1t Posts: 414 Member
    edited June 2015
    My partner at our physio clinic is also a herbalife member. She keeps asking me to promote it to my clients as well, she already does it to her clients. I refused and said no.

    p.s.edited for typos
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »

    Heh! An ex sent me an email recently. All full of 'been thinking about you's and 'want to catch up's, until the end..."by the way, I've been attending (some cheap version of that fire walking crap) seminars and they have changed my life!! I can't wait to tell you all about it and invite you to check it out for yourself".

    OMG... I had an old friend (not a close friend but friend just the same) contact me thru facebook a few years ago. Her husband was actually also a friend of my hubby's and they had moved out of the ares several years prior. She said they were going to be in the area visiting and would love to get together for coffee. How nice, I thought...would be nice to get together with them and catch up. Then she said "we promise to only take 30 minutes of your time." Then the red flags started waving.

    They were selling energy. Made me so mad. I was actually hurt. I told her we weren't available for that. I think it's really disgusting to troll your old friends for that purpose.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »

    Heh! An ex sent me an email recently. All full of 'been thinking about you's and 'want to catch up's, until the end..."by the way, I've been attending (some cheap version of that fire walking crap) seminars and they have changed my life!! I can't wait to tell you all about it and invite you to check it out for yourself".

    OMG... I had an old friend (not a close friend but friend just the same) contact me thru facebook a few years ago. Her husband was actually also a friend of my hubby's and they had moved out of the ares several years prior. She said they were going to be in the area visiting and would love to get together for coffee. How nice, I thought...would be nice to get together with them and catch up. Then she said "we promise to only take 30 minutes of your time." Then the red flags started waving.

    They were selling energy. Made me so mad. I was actually hurt. I told her we weren't available for that. I think it's really disgusting to troll your old friends for that purpose.

    I'm glad I read this because the bolded is really speaking to me right now! I experienced the same thing recently and felt stupid for feeling so put out. Was hoping I could catch up with someone who was swinging through my area, realized she wanted to sell me garbage. WTF. I get that we would all like a little more money, but this ain't the way to make it.
  • kxbrown27
    kxbrown27 Posts: 769 Member
    I didn't know what plexus was until this post (one of the many benefits of not having facebook). On the website it says "finally there is a healthy solution to help you lose weight." Good to know that whole "eat less move more" crap I kept hearing about was a big scam.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Someone at work tried to sell around a pyramid scheme.

    Alas he tried to sell it to a bunch of scientists and their assistants.

    It went as poorly as you might imagine.

    I'd love to have been a fly on the wall for that!!!

    I almost felt bad for the guy. He wasn't on the science side of things, but he did get SEVERAL lessons. We're a biopharm too, so he tried to sell to ppl whose job it is to know how the body works.

    After a few weeks though we just started threatening HR and that finally shut him up :/
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    I have noticed a few of those salespeople on MFP too-- sometimes I will get a friend request and in the past I have just accepted it but then if they constantly post links to follow their facebook group to learn about Beachbody or Shakeology or 21 Day Fix I delete them. I had one lady who kept posting links to these motivational/sales youtube videos featuring her and her very muscular fit physique pushing these products. She was deleted. So now when people send me a friend request I try to see how many friends they have and if it's like 900+ I just ignore it because they are using MFP as a place to sell their products because there are usually people who want to try anything- ANYTHING- to make weight loss effortless and fast. I used to be one of those people but not anymore. ;)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I have noticed a few of those salespeople on MFP too-- sometimes I will get a friend request and in the past I have just accepted it but then if they constantly post links to follow their facebook group to learn about Beachbody or Shakeology or 21 Day Fix I delete them. I had one lady who kept posting links to these motivational/sales youtube videos featuring her and her very muscular fit physique pushing these products. She was deleted. So now when people send me a friend request I try to see how many friends they have and if it's like 900+ I just ignore it because they are using MFP as a place to sell their products because there are usually people who want to try anything- ANYTHING- to make weight loss effortless and fast. I used to be one of those people but not anymore. ;)

    hope you reported them
  • prbyabbyedwards
    prbyabbyedwards Posts: 2 Member
    I've tried Plexus... Wasn't for me.. The woman who I bought it from is wonderful... She's had a lot of health benefits from it and that great... But it wasn't for me... I also wasn't getting result from the whole eat less, move more platform... I added a system... But I never post the name of it on facebook, I never push it, I'm not a consultant for that company, I just really like the products and they've given me a good push in the right direction... Everybody's body works in different ways and some people do achieve real success with these products and others that are similar... Just don't shove them down my throat! I know they're out there and I've tried a lot of them looking for my miracle lol and I found what work for me... But what works for me won't work for everyone and there is no need to jeopardize friendships and irritate people... If you want to get people I involved post your own before and afters and let people ask you...
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I've tried Plexus... Wasn't for me.. The woman who I bought it from is wonderful... She's had a lot of health benefits from it and that great... But it wasn't for me... I also wasn't getting result from the whole eat less, move more platform... I added a system... But I never post the name of it on facebook, I never push it, I'm not a consultant for that company, I just really like the products and they've given me a good push in the right direction... Everybody's body works in different ways and some people do achieve real success with these products and others that are similar... Just don't shove them down my throat! I know they're out there and I've tried a lot of them looking for my miracle lol and I found what work for me... But what works for me won't work for everyone and there is no need to jeopardize friendships and irritate people... If you want to get people I involved post your own before and afters and let people ask you...

    I'm sorry but no, no they don't .. everybody's body works in exactly the same way .. eat fewer calories than you burn and you will lose weight

    Everybody's path to achieving that defecit may differ but that's behavioural and not physiological

    Yes I am aware of medical conditions - they affect the calories out part of the equation and not the basic fact that CI<CO = weight loss
  • Cboozoombiekilla
    Cboozoombiekilla Posts: 1 Member
    I would just like to say that I personally love what plexus has done for me. I lost 80 lbs alone with nothing but hard work at the gym. Hit a plateau said that I was happy and it didn't matter I was under (barely) 200. I then decided to quit smoking. Developed IBS and some other issues. Plexus has gotten rid of my IBS and my arthritis in my foot is almost unnoticed. I don't take plexus for weightloss I take it for a healthy gut and inside. I don't sell, considering it, but plexus offers a lot besides weightloss. And most people who sell it do it bc of what it's done for them. Which is why I am debating and really doing my research. Look up their ingredients and what they can do for you. Everyone is different.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    I haven't had any FB friends try to get me to buy their crap, but I've had MFP folks try to friend me. I always read the profiles of those that send me friend requests, and if it says anything about promoting any magic program/pill/diet, the request automatically gets rejected by me. You might be the nicest person in the world, but I don't have the patience for having to wade through posts on my wall promoting or selling shtuff.
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    I have a friend that is a beach body coach and constantly talks about how much weight she's lost (supposedly over 50 lbs) and keeps promising a new body reveal photo every month that never happens... Wonder why that is....