I don't want to

fat2fit1981 Posts: 50 Member
I don't want to watch what I eat. However i want to lose weight. I want to be able to eat those greasy foods and drink beer and still lose weight. I know it doesn't work that way but a girl can dream right? Hope everyone has a great Monday!


  • Linovitz
    Linovitz Posts: 79 Member
    yep. Unfortunately dreaming doesn't make it so. You have the right message in your picture box. One pound at a time. I lost 58 pounds but it has taken almost 14 months - about a pound a week. Slow and sure wins the race. I am pretty much at maint now having lost about a pound in the last 30 days. Not complaining though. PRetty happy where i am right now.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I guess you have to decide which on you want more.

    Of course, you can still eat some of those foods and drink some, but you have to moderate/balance it within an overall healthful diet. There's no need to cut them out altogether.

    Maybe start by just logging what you eat? Then you can see some places to cut but to reduce calories. Once you're good on that, you can start focusing on meeting macro and micro nutrients, and you'll probably find room for a bit of a treat on a regular basis. Good luck!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    How about two out of three?

    You could incorporate beer and fries in to your diet as long as you watch them. MFP allows that sort of freedom.
  • Nuke807
    Nuke807 Posts: 160 Member
    Have you been reading my mind :). I hit my down hill slope when I turned 27...got married, had a kid, forgot what the gym was, had money (to buy the "good" beer). All of the sudden I woke up one morning and weighed in at 215#. I used Weight Watchers and got back down to a reasonable weight for me (185#), then decided that I no longer needed to keep track of what I was consuming. Fast forward about six months and I was back to 210#...the only thing that works for me is watching what I eat, and going back to the "not as good" beer.

    This lifestyle change is hard, and it can be difficult, but once you make new routines, the old ones don't seem as important anymore.

    You got this!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    actually, you can eat greasy foods, drink beer, and lose weight. Just reduce your overall intake of those foods by 25% and you will lose weight. However, for overall health it is recommended to incorporate nutrient dense foods and hit micros/macros...

    Oh, and eating nutrient dense foods does not mean they have to taste like cardboard.
  • fat2fit1981
    fat2fit1981 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks guys :) I know I can do it. Just had a pitty moment and ate (Cough Cough) KFC....But I will work harder at the gym. and just eat a chicken salad for supper to make up for the grease. On the bright side I didn't get the dr pepper, I got water.

    I am glad to have ya'll support when I need it!!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    How about two out of three?

    You could incorporate beer and fries in to your diet as long as you watch them. MFP allows that sort of freedom.

    ^^^This. All the way.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Thanks guys :) I know I can do it. Just had a pitty moment and ate (Cough Cough) KFC....But I will work harder at the gym. and just eat a chicken salad for supper to make up for the grease. On the bright side I didn't get the dr pepper, I got water.

    I am glad to have ya'll support when I need it!!

    you can eat normal supper as long as you are in your calorie allotment for the day..

    don't make this harder than it has to be.