Help! I absolutely dread excercising...



  • theredhead77
    theredhead77 Posts: 35 Member
    I get so bored at the gym but I have serious allergies that make strenuous exercise outside dangerous and difficult.

    So what I do is watch TV or a movie on my phone. I download or stream a show that I'd be watching at home and tell myself I'd be watching this at home anyway so I might as well be watching it at the gym. Right now I'm making my way through Jurassic Park 45 minutes at a time.
  • Dani9585
    Dani9585 Posts: 215 Member
    The money used for the gym membership would be motivation enough for me.

    Walk outside. I love meeting my 10 000 step goal :smile:
  • MinmoInk
    MinmoInk Posts: 345 Member
    I get so bored at the gym but I have serious allergies that make strenuous exercise outside dangerous and difficult.

    So what I do is watch TV or a movie on my phone. I download or stream a show that I'd be watching at home and tell myself I'd be watching this at home anyway so I might as well be watching it at the gym. Right now I'm making my way through Jurassic Park 45 minutes at a time.

    Great taste in movies there :smiley:

    Also yes OP, have you also tried music apps like pandora or spotify to spice up your music selection?
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    Sometimes doing you want for yourself later can help with what you want to do now...When you are really ready you will find that something and stop fighting yourself so hard...It starts in your head. You don't HAVE to do anything, but doing nothing is also how you get nothing...
  • Cronniss
    Cronniss Posts: 108 Member
    edited June 2015
    Try out different things and see what sticks. As one person said, try classes. You might find one that you like....and there are all kinds: Pilates, Tai Chi, Aqua Aerobics, Spin Class, Yoga, Circuit, etc.

    Who know? It may just be that you might want a social aspect added to your exercise regimen.
  • Sacrip
    Sacrip Posts: 2 Member
    Sometimes, before I do a major exercise, I find myself stalling, or finding something I have to do first, or exaggerating a pain I have and deciding maybe I shouldn't do it today. And the reason is fear: fear of failure, of weakness, of finding out I'm so far away from where I think I should be that I'll give up in despair. And if I skip one day, I sometimes end up skipping the whole week, since I'm a Libra and have to be balanced.

    Tonight I made myself do my exercise of the day (one armed pushups, likely with atrocious form) and my fears were, as usual, unfounded. So, OP, my advice to you is not to be afraid to fail. Chances are, you won't. And even if you do, you STILL got better, because you exercised, and your body is that much better because you did.

    In fact, I'll go a step further and say...don't fail. There's no reason to try an exercise you don't think you can do. If you don't think you're up to a tempo run at a 5% incline, then make it a run you know you CAN do. Lots of guys here approach weight training or running like they have to be on the edge of failure for every lift to get the most out of it, or wonder if they'll make their run time without collapsing to improve their VO2 level. You don't. If that's what's keeping you from exercising, then swear to yourself to make every session within your capabilities without apology. Think you won't improve that way? You will. Your form will get better, your joints will catch up to your muscles, and your confidence in yourself will grow until you can't WAIT to bump up the MPH on the treadmill another tick or two.

    There's more than one way to exercise your heart, is what I'm saying.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    Why are you going to the gym and what are you doing there? If it is so boring, whatever it is you are doing is not the right routine for you. Time to try something else: dance, swim, try different classes, do yoga, pilates, get a bicycle and use it instead of your car, schedule a long walk before/after work, choose a new sport to learn.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,047 Member
    I don't like the gym, I feel like a hamster in a wheel. So I started trying new things, and about a year and a half ago, I took up Taekwondo. I love it! It's interesting, and progressive, and has a purpose other than fitness. I feel like I'm really achieving, and lo and behold - it makes me want to do other 'fitness' type stuff so I get better at it!

    So I second the 'find something you like better'.
  • hmparkin23
    hmparkin23 Posts: 91 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    My old gym had the cardio machines facing the weights area so there was plenty to focus on (ie boys picking up heavy things and putting them back down) but after I moved the elliptical/treadmill/stairmaster got WAY boring in a hurry.

    Hahaha, I love it! There's some very pretty arms that wander around my gym. Always make me smile :smile: