I cant seem to stop bingeing

I'm so stuck in a rut and I dont know how to get out of it...... I binge so often, I've gained a tonne of weight and it makes me so upset.... please can anyone help? :neutral:


  • Darton2010
    Darton2010 Posts: 137 Member
    It's tough but first find a substitute to binge on, I use vegetables, when the urge to binge hits I make lots of green beans or corn, start in than I will get tired of eating and stop, if you only let yourself binge on healthy food not only will healthy food taste better but the urge to binge will slowly go away for awhile. It's like quitting cigarets at first but gets better. After awhile I stopped craving junk food and actually craved green beans, corn and a variety of vegetables. It's takes time though.
  • TeaCurls
    TeaCurls Posts: 32 Member
    Binge eating can be caused by a multitude of things, at least for me. Being aware what is going on is half the battle. So when we are in the moment it is hard to figure out why we might be binging. Am I emotional, stressed, too hungry. Logging what when and why you are eating might help identify where the issue is coming from. I found that I used to overeat around 3:30 to 4:00 when I would just get too hungry and give up... Now I try to head that off in advance with a huge glass of water and a healthy snack around 2:30 -3:00. I also found that by eating carbs in the morning it made me more hungry all day and it was impossible to curb cravings for more and more carbs all day causing myself to self sabotage. So while painful at first I eliminated most carbs and am much happier for it. I no longer have the huge swings in blood sugar and emotional keeps me more stable to handle the everyday stresses. Lastly I have cut out the alcohol. I actually still have room calorie wise each day to have a glass or two of wine. Unfortunately a glass or two of wine causes me to totally drop my will power. I no longer care about my new healthy life style and sabotage myself.

    I also had to come up with better ways of dealing with stress, and emotions. Instead of heading to the pantry, everyone always says "talk a walk." or "go to they gym." but while that is good advise not always feasible. Sometimes I make myself a mocktail and put on a action film to keep me engaged. I paint my nails (hard to eat when you do not want to ruin your wet nails) or take a hot bath with a good book, throw myself into a new DYI project, or log on to MFP and read the latest blog. There is not one magic solution you are going to have to look within yourself and go from there. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck in your journey!
  • bzymommy5boyz
    bzymommy5boyz Posts: 81 Member
    I tend to binge right before my cycle. I know it happens every month and most of the time I can control it. I've tried all sorts of things to help curve the urge but the only thing that really helps is "binge-ing" on diet lemonade from chick-fil-a. It's sweet and sour. Hits both of those cravings and fills me up. I tell myself that it only lasts a few days and pray I don't gain a bunch during.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I use weekly cals instead of daily because I know I'm going to binge on Sat or Sun (college or NFL football) each weekend during football. I skim 100 - 150 cals a day for use on the weekend. I'm not giving up my wings and beer for anything!! : o p

    That being said, any idea why you are binging? Stress, fear, self image, missing a certain food, stomach pains, what are you feeling just before you binge?

    As darton2010 indicated, planning for a binge does help. My favs:

    Healthish favs:
    Frozen fruit from the bag
    Brocolli & Cheese steamed veggie bag
    Carrots & low cal italian

    "Not" healthy favs:
    Low cal vanilla yogurt with low cal whipped cream and a teaspoon of mini chips feels like a sunday to me. (150 cals)
    Biscotti (90 cals) dipped in sugar free hot cocoa (40 cals) is "da bomb".
    Sugar Free jello, fruit pieces (not mixed in with the jello), and low cal whip layered in see through cups (50 cals serving)

    Meat based favs (I eat a lot of vegetarian so don't have these much) :
    Canned or grilled chicken with bar-b-que sauce & pineapple
    Imitation crab meat chunks dipped in cocktail sauce (ketchup & horseradish to taste)
    40 cal hot dog on a 100 cal tortilla shell with sauerkraut and spicy mustard (sometimes with cheese) - yeah baby!!!

    Boca burger out of the microwave with an entire onion also microwaved (I freaking love onion!!!) on a piece of 50 cal wheat bread toasted. Spicy mustard squeezed over the top : o )
    Field peas and ragu pasta sauce (no - I do not know why I like this and no - I do not care), over almost anything. Spaghetti squash, field rice, whatever! Freeze in portions and pull them out.
    Entire bag of mixed greens with feta cheese and low cal Italian.

    And, of course, wings and beer (homemade grilled wings and Corona or Bud light) on football day after I've saved up my cals for the week. Woohoo!!!

    My cheats may look odd but that is because they are mine. They're just an illustration that your binge foods can be what you like. And they aren't really a binge if you work them into your cals.

    Best of luck!
  • kayleygrav
    kayleygrav Posts: 52 Member
    Generally if you're binging you are likely HUNGRY for something you are depriving yourself of. Are you taking a multi vitamin? Are you denying yourself necessary nutrients in foods like carbs, proteins and fats? Try taking a mulit vitamin for a few weeks track your macros and maybe add in some Green Tea Extract to boost your energy and try to get some exercise in. This is a constant battle back and forth for all of us. But generally changing up your routine completely can really jump start your body into a weight loss cycle again. PM me if you would like any more info. But you know you can do this. This is just another hick up on the road ;)
  • cj94404
    cj94404 Posts: 154 Member
    If it's emotional eating, that's tough. Take it one day at a time. Try to change up your routine. Don't have a lot of down time with the kitchen nearby. At the beginning of changing my eating habits, I tend to go to sleep earlier to avoid temptation. After a few weeks it gets a bit easier, but I still have days. This is a long term effort. A whole lifestyle change. Not a short term, one month thing you are doing. So it will take time.

    Record everything! Just do it, no matter how much it feels like and no matter how much you don't want to see it all listed. You might surprise yourself and realize it isn't so bad. And the act of writing it all down might slow you down. Or write it down BEFORE you eat it so you can have a clear idea of what you are eating. You can make a clear choice to have that extra 1000 calories (or however much it is) and just enjoy them. And definitely try to enjoy them. Another word for binge is splurge. A splurge sounds more fun, doesn't it? So if you are gonna splurge, enjoy it!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    are you restricting too much ? that just creates a vicious binge restrict to make up for the binge then binge again cycle. For me I had to try eating at a maintenance level to really help with the binging its not a magic cure as i sometimes still do binge but it is few and far between now. Also if its emotional try really hard to stop yourself if you can mid binge keep a journal and start writing down how you are feeling during the binge, what you think has made you binge . If you cant do it mid binge then at the very least journal after the binge how you feel how you were feeling before, how your body feels and whatever else. I find that if i can recognize "hey this is a binge why am i doing this" and talk myself through it I can lessen a binge. Also realize that sometimes you are just overeating not all days of indulging are binging so be able to determine the difference for yourself. When you do binge try really hard not to punish yourself after instead take care of yourself talk to someone you trust about it so you dont feel so alone and move on.

    Join the binge eating support group on mfp as well that will help