I need help

Motivation is something I need the MOST my goal is to weigh 210lbs and currently at 315lbs January I was at 332 and when I started using the app 327 lbs


  • mariannekehl
    mariannekehl Posts: 66 Member
    WOW! It sounds to me like you are doing a fantastic job already! What I do is "reward" myself for reaching goals - my favorite reward is a pedicure. Also, don't forget to measure yourself - if you are exercising then even if weight is not coming off as fast as you think it should you will see results in inches lost. Most of all - be nice to yourself! I am not a motivational speaker but hopefully that helped a little. :smile:

    Also feel free to add me to your friends list!
  • laurakelly6
    laurakelly6 Posts: 18 Member
    Marianne is right! You are definitely on the right path! When days are tough, I always tell myself that I will only have one body in this world and I need to treat it well. You deserve to reach all your goals and this app will definitely help you get there! I personally lost 40 lbs with the help of this app. Anytime you need to chat or need motivation, feel free to message me!