Runners: Favorite snacks?

ylor89 Posts: 105 Member
I've been munching on apples with peanut butter and orange slices the last few weeks... I need some new ideas! And cheap too since I don't work over the summer.

What snacks keep you going?


  • dawn1801
    dawn1801 Posts: 117 Member
    Dannon, 80 calorie greek yogurt. I will add fresh fruit to it or a few almonds.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Peanut butter and banana roll-up. Take half of a Flat Out multi grain wrap (split down the short side), smear on a Tbsp of PB and wrap that around a banana. Yum!
  • Runhard13
    Runhard13 Posts: 138 Member
    Love Greek yogurt....or usual go snacks so id love new ideas as well and cheap is always good.
  • roverdisc98
    roverdisc98 Posts: 78 Member
    tuna, tuna, tuna, protein shake, tuna, tuna, tuna, protein shake
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    During a run, or just in general?

    In general, it doesn't much matter, I eat pretty much whatever. During a run I like rice cripsy treats and gels with caffeine.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Peanut butter and banana roll-up. Take half of a Flat Out multi grain wrap (split down the short side), smear on a Tbsp of PB and wrap that around a banana. Yum!

    I do this, but without the wrap. I put a tbsp of natural peanut butter on a banana. I love it!

    Vermont Peanut Butter, BTW, is awesome stuff. I love the Green Mountain Goodness kind (blend of peanut and almond butter with flax and pumpkin seeds).