Is it okay to not reach the calorie deficit

It may be a stupid question but I'm new to this.

so sorry if I sound dumb but is it okay If I have like 941 calories left and just leave it at that?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    For one day, it's fine. Consistently, it can cause health problems. You'll want to aim to hit that number (or averaged out for the week).
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    How many calories did you eat?

    The general rule for women is a minimum of 1200/day. It's ok to go below that on occasion, but if you're consistently below that day after day you can easily run into nutritional deficiencies.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    You should eat at least 1200 calories per day. Other than that, if you have calories left over, it isn't that big of a deal.
  • AlyssaPGoodiwn
    AlyssaPGoodiwn Posts: 28 Member
    1,452 I have never done a calorie based diet before. and i joined this and it says to reach your daily goal which I haven't I am 5'7 23 and over 330 ibs. but i feel like my calorie deficit is way to high.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    It may be a stupid question but I'm new to this.

    so sorry if I sound dumb but is it okay If I have like 941 calories left and just leave it at that?

    1,452 I have never done a calorie based diet before. and i joined this and it says to reach your daily goal which I haven't I am 5'7 23 and over 330 ibs. but i feel like my calorie deficit is way to high.

    Judging by your stats, I wouldn't make it a habit to eat at that level. One day is fine. Not worried about it. I care more about weekly numbers being met rather than daily.

    The goal, in my opinion, should be to eat as much as possible while still seeing results at an acceptable rate.
  • AlyssaPGoodiwn
    AlyssaPGoodiwn Posts: 28 Member
    FoxyLifter wrote: »
    It may be a stupid question but I'm new to this.

    so sorry if I sound dumb but is it okay If I have like 941 calories left and just leave it at that?

    1,452 I have never done a calorie based diet before. and i joined this and it says to reach your daily goal which I haven't I am 5'7 23 and over 330 ibs. but i feel like my calorie deficit is way to high.

    Judging by your stats, I wouldn't make it a habit to eat at that level. One day is fine. Not worried about it. I care more about weekly numbers being met rather than daily.

    The goal, in my opinion, should be to eat as much as possible while still seeing results at an acceptable rate.

    Thanks! For your help and thanks to everyone else for there help. I just have lots of low calorie foods laying around so i feel like I'm eating too much to keep up with the deficit. But I guess it does make since being as I never really counted before I just binged.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    1,452 I have never done a calorie based diet before. and i joined this and it says to reach your daily goal which I haven't I am 5'7 23 and over 330 ibs. but i feel like my calorie deficit is way to high.

    That is not unreasonable. At those stats, your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) would be about 2288 calories. Your TDEE with no exercise would be 2745.

    If anything, you should be getting around 1700-2000 cals/day for a deficit that should give you 1.5 - 2 lbs /wk loss. Again, that is assuming no exercise.
  • AlyssaPGoodiwn
    AlyssaPGoodiwn Posts: 28 Member
    I did 30 mins on the elliptical and 27 mins of cardio today.
    I try and work out as much as I can with my son.

    But i guess it does make since.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    1,452 I have never done a calorie based diet before. and i joined this and it says to reach your daily goal which I haven't I am 5'7 23 and over 330 ibs. but i feel like my calorie deficit is way to high.

    Your calorie deficit is based on what you entered for stats and weekly weight loss goals...and yes you are suppose to eat back your exercise calories.

    You can try eating them all back and after 4-6 weeks if your weight loss isn't as fast as it should be 2lbs a week...then eat 75% of them back rinse repeat...but eat at least 50% of them back to fuel future workouts.

    As well if you find you are hungry ensure you are eating lots of protein and fats and fibre to keep you feeling fuller longer. Your protein today is half what it should be....

    I am as tall as you are and I eat 1800 a day and lose weight (that's eating back exercise calories) and feel free to look at my diary as well.

    The only other thing (after peaking at your diary) is buy a food scale and weigh your solids...and careful with your logging as well...I see Sunday you logged 100 grams of ranch dressing... :o ...was that a guess??? I am just asking as it's a lot of dressing...1/2cup....
  • AlyssaPGoodiwn
    AlyssaPGoodiwn Posts: 28 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    1,452 I have never done a calorie based diet before. and i joined this and it says to reach your daily goal which I haven't I am 5'7 23 and over 330 ibs. but i feel like my calorie deficit is way to high.

    Your calorie deficit is based on what you entered for stats and weekly weight loss goals...and yes you are suppose to eat back your exercise calories.

    You can try eating them all back and after 4-6 weeks if your weight loss isn't as fast as it should be 2lbs a week...then eat 75% of them back rinse repeat...but eat at least 50% of them back to fuel future workouts.

    As well if you find you are hungry ensure you are eating lots of protein and fats and fibre to keep you feeling fuller longer. Your protein today is half what it should be....

    I am as tall as you are and I eat 1800 a day and lose weight (that's eating back exercise calories) and feel free to look at my diary as well.

    The only other thing (after peaking at your diary) is buy a food scale and weigh your solids...and careful with your logging as well...I see Sunday you logged 100 grams of ranch dressing... :o ...was that a guess??? I am just asking as it's a lot of dressing...1/2cup....


    I thought that you had to burn more than you took in I have learned a lot just today.

    I used to be on weight watchers and so this is a bit different.

    And I do need a scale for food because I didn't use a half a cup of ranch. Thanks for seeing that because i have no idea what grams measure to.

    I love the support you are able to get on here I was scared to even ask that question.
  • forgivensins
    forgivensins Posts: 90 Member
    I haven't gotten a scale yet but sometimes I use teaspoons and tablespoons and measuring cups to try to get in the general range of things.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Here's a couple posts you can read that will give you some good tips on how to weigh and log accurately. Take things slow and take time to figure out how to make it work best for you. You'll make mistakes, but as long as you get the techniques down over time you'll start to see progress.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    If you google "100 grams to ounces" you will see that 100 grams = 3.5 ounces and there is a calculator that lets you plug in the numbers. I do this all the time.

    I also have a little chart with the decimal equivalent of 1/8, 3/8, 5/7, and 7/8 taped up to the side of my monitor.

    Regarding exercise calories, because it's gardening season, I usually have hundreds of calories left at the end of the day.