Desperate for a Change! New here...

My name is Patti, i'm 29yrs old and I live in NH. I have three children ages 8, 6, and 8 months. I never used to have a problem with my weight and after my first two pregnancies, it didn't take too long to get back to where I was beforehand. This last pregnancy has wreaked(sp?) havok on my body. I started my pregnancy at 130 and by the time I had my son, I was 200lbs. He was born weighing in at 12lbs 1oz!! Holy Baby! lol There

Since having him, I haven't been able to lose any weight. We're nursing and he's eating at least 8 times a day. I did some research on calories, and each ounce of milk burns 20 calories, so we're burning appx 60 calories per session or 480 calories/day. Apparently breastfeeding ISN'T the weight loss miracle cure they say it is, although it probably doesn't help that i'm getting older and my metabolism isn't what it used to be.

I'm so glad I found this site, i've never seen a place where you need to account for your daily activities and intake. It makes me feel so much more accountable for what I stuff in my face!lol And I love how it tells me what i'll weigh if I keep up the good work! I want so badly to stop having to shop in plus size and I want to be able to enjoy exercising again!

Oh yes, and there should totally be a walking/jogging with stroller exercise.


  • lilay
    lilay Posts: 122
    Welcome! You've come to the right place to meet your goals. This site is a great tool. :flowerforyou:
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    I agree with Lilay, this site is great and meeting new people to help you along the way is great. Good luck to you, Let's do this thing!