abstainer or moderation



  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    Once I figured out my personal carb limit, I can now moderate my food intake. I cannot even begin to express how freeing this has been to me.

    So, I abstain from eating more than my carb limit, and use moderation with everything else. Some things are not banned outright, but are so unsatisfying for the calories that I just don't eat them very much any more.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Abstaining just makes me wanna binge. Moderation for me.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I used to feel that I was so addicted to sugar that the only way I could deal with it was by giving it up completely. I did give it up at first. But then as I increased my calories I found that I could fit in a treat here and there and was able to eat a controlled amount of sugar. Now I find that I don't crave sweets at all anymore. This coming from a person who had to have large amounts of dessert on a daily basis. So surprisingly moderation is working for me. I feel like this is a new habit, a new normal for me.
  • marylorrainecox
    marylorrainecox Posts: 12 Member
    It is easier for me to abstain from very processed high calorie foods by substituting something healthier that might reduce the craving. If I convince myself how horrible the food item is for my body- why would I want to even eat a little bit of it. Also, once I taste it, I crave it until I can fight the craving all over again- which is not worth it.
  • Shadowcub
    Shadowcub Posts: 154 Member
    So what do you think is best for you? Are you able to eat things in moderation or are you like me and need to abstain from the "bad" foods?

    Well, I've tried abstaining and the result was feelings of deprivation which lead to feeling defiant, which would lead to a MAJOR binge. But I read another article on here and read about a person who plans for "treats" adjusting calories and exercise for the day to allow the treat without blowing their goals.

    For me right now, I have a weekly treat of Pizza Hut's Spicy Asian Wings (on Wing Wednesday) along with the deal on breadsticks and a 2 liter of diet soda. It just meets their minimum order and I like them immensely! Also, about once a month, I allow myself something all sugary sweet. But in both cases, I make sure my calories are such that I don't go over on those days. I don't always hit the rest of my macros, but I'm most worried about my calorie deficit to cause weight loss.