Wedding Countdown

Hi Everyone!

I'm looking for people losing weight for their weddings to add as friends so that we can motivate each other! It helps me to see what other people do in terms of eating or exercising so I can stay on the right track.

I'm getting married August 1st and have only 5 pounds left to lose but they seem really to be really tough to get rid of :)

Who else is counting down to the big day!?!?!?!


  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    Hi there! I am also working to lose weight for my wedding. It's not until January of 2018 (I'm a full time student), but I also have 125 more lbs to lose. My diary is open and I keep a blog of my adventures and fails and mood swings.
  • equestrianperson
    equestrianperson Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not yet engaged, but will be soon! My boyfriend and I are thinking a short engagement and hope to be married in the fall! I've been slowly loosing weight...very slowly. I also would like to loose another 5 lbs. Right now, an injury from my foot is preventing me from doing what I love most - hiking and running. My fitnesspal is really helping me loose weight primarily from nutritional changes. Just being more aware of exactly what I am eating is really helping me to eat less and also choose better, more substantial foods. I'm hoping to start adding more activity soon!
  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    I'm not yet engaged, but will be soon!

    Technically, I'm in the same boat as you. Not engaged, but he has the ring and I know when he's proposing because we've been planing a lot of this together. It's been helpful too for getting a head start on our weight loss plans so we can look amazing in our engagement photos.

  • annetaryn
    annetaryn Posts: 21 Member
    I'm getting married in the fall of 2016! 50 lbs to go, just starting this adventure :)
  • foofyq
    foofyq Posts: 42 Member
    @annetaryn So am I!! Just nailed down the date. I'd like to lose 10lbs and then keep the weight off and tone up. :)
  • annetaryn
    annetaryn Posts: 21 Member
    @foofyq you can do it! What's your date? :)
  • annetaryn
    annetaryn Posts: 21 Member
    @foofyq you can do it! What's your date? :)
  • nicoleleah94
    nicoleleah94 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm getting married September 2016! I only have about 22 lbs left to my first goal weight.
  • Fandabidozichu
    Fandabidozichu Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm getting married in October and I cried ugly tears when someone took a picture of me wearing my wedding dress I felt so fat and hideous :( I've only been at it one week but I've already lost 5lbs with around 56lbs left to reach my goal! I won't hit my goal before my wedding but I'll be on the way to that gorgeous body!

    I'll be cheering for you, good luck!
  • val9471
    val9471 Posts: 11 Member
    Congratulations on your engagement! I'm getting married in April 2016. Feel free to add me!
  • Christine7315
    Christine7315 Posts: 3 Member
    Yay glad there are some gals here I can connect with! They always say the last 5 pounds is so hard and IT IS lol. I just had my first dress fitting and I need a way flatter stomach than I had. Toning is gonna be my saviour.
  • Christine7315
    Christine7315 Posts: 3 Member
    Ps. What is everyone doing? Limiting calories only or doing hat and working out? Etc. What are you guys finding success with?