Do you stretch?



  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    edited June 2015
    jacklfc88 wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    I only stretch after - a couple of limber-up type moves before but otherwise I don't feel there's much point in trying to stretch cold muscles. I have a 15 minute little routine I do after every workout.

    There is a point. Why do you think you see professional athletes go through vigorous warm ups and stretching routines prior to the activity? Not saying you need to do what they do as we aren't working to their capacity but the principle is the same. Working out with cold muscles is a bad idea, much more likely to pick up injuries that way.

    Warm-up, absolutely. I have to raise my heart rate gradually or I peter out really quickly. But stretching - sure if I were a professional athlete and had 30 minutes to warm up, I would stretch then. But since I don't, I stretch afterwards when I am very warm because I am really working on my flexibility.

  • jacklfc88
    jacklfc88 Posts: 247 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    jacklfc88 wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    I only stretch after - a couple of limber-up type moves before but otherwise I don't feel there's much point in trying to stretch cold muscles. I have a 15 minute little routine I do after every workout.

    There is a point. Why do you think you see professional athletes go through vigorous warm ups and stretching routines prior to the activity? Not saying you need to do what they do as we aren't working to their capacity but the principle is the same. Working out with cold muscles is a bad idea, much more likely to pick up injuries that way.

    Warm-up, absolutely. I have to raise my heart rate gradually or I peter out really quickly. But stretching - sure if I were a professional athlete and had 30 minutes to warm up, I would stretch then. But since I don't, I stretch afterwards when I am very warm because I am really working on my flexibility.

    You don't need to do it for 30 minutes. If you're doing a warm up then you should stretch after the warm up. I have had shin splints in the past, because my calves were so tight, long story but point is if I didn't stretch my calves out before I did any sort of CV activity I would be in trouble. If I am playing footy, I do a few laps of pitch get warm and then stretch muscles vigorously. I remember at school years ago not stretching after I'd done my warm up and I still felt a bit tight but ignored it. Got to kick off, passed the ball and felt my groin twang. Out for months. Since then I ensure I do a thorough stretching routine.

  • jacklfc88
    jacklfc88 Posts: 247 Member
    I don't stretch.

    Warm up is important.

    Studies have shown that stretching prior to exercise does nothing and is only minimally beneficial after exercise.

    My body tells me otherwise. Everyone needs to decide for themselves but personally I would never do CV exercise or train without stretching.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    I warm up with 5 min on the jump rope. My most "complete" stretching is to prep for squats- bench I am pretty lax about- I just rep the bar stretch and call it a day.

    DL I do something in the middle. But I do yoga stuff in Dance class several times a week- which makes a huge difference in my mobility. It's very important to make sure you do mobility and release tension in some form or another.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I'm bad about stretching afterwards. I've gotten better about warming up and cooling down though.

    Been going to yoga once a week for the last month or so that's been helping.
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    I do a few stretches before lifting, usually takes me between 5-10 mins. Most of them are floor stretches for legs, glutes, and abs.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I do a lot of mobility and stabilization work. But in terms of actual static stretching? Other then stretching out my arch a couple times a month, no. With my hypermobilty issues, static stretching is one of the worst things I can do - it destabilizes my joints and puts me at a higher risk of injury.

    I do a lot of rolling, both with a roller and a lacrosse ball. Takes care of the tight spots perfectly.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Warm up and basic dynamic stretching before running and before strength training. Always a good stretch routine after the workout.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    I stretch before and after all my workouts. Sometimes if I am pressed for time I skip the after and then stretch before bed. I also will do a good 30+ mins of stretching on my off/rest days. I've read alot of the studies that show stretching is unnecessary but my body tells me otherwise.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    I stretch before and after all my workouts. Sometimes if I am pressed for time I skip the after and then stretch before bed. I also will do a good 30+ mins of stretching on my off/rest days. I've read alot of the studies that show stretching is unnecessary but my body tells me otherwise.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    I miss taking yoga classes and am thinking about going back at least a few times a week -- the back bends and stretches feel great after lifting and asking your spine to hold steady with a barbell across your back squatting -- I have sometimes done a few backbends in between squat sets and I also find the need to stretch after finishing with cycling -- my legs will be like rubber when I first come off the bike after an hour ride but I stretch each one and then walk a little to get things going normally again.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I'm actively working on increasing flexibility, so I always stretch. I do a light, dynamic stretch session at the beginning of workouts, then often stretch between sets on leg days, with a more intense stretch session at the end of my workout.

    I'm curious about what the "minimal benefits" of stretching is referencing. Soreness? Mobility? Increased flexibility? I know for sure stretching increases flexibility and improves mobility. It takes forever, but it works. I doubt it reduces soreness, though.

  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    Sam_I_Am77 wrote: »
    Clarewho wrote: »
    I have a feeling current advice is only stretch afterwards? Someone more knowledgeable will no doubt correct me

    Actually that's not going to be true, people should do some mobility work before the train. Now, the actual stretching prescription is going to be individualized because most people will have different needs. Stretching is important because if your muscles are not working correctly then you will not perform the exercises correctly and you risk injury or at the very least have a less effective workout.

    Pre-workout, definitely do some kind of warm-up & mobility work. For some it could be as easy as a 5 to 10 min dynamic session and for some they may need 20-min's and some combination of SMR, Static-Stretching, and Active Stretching; it just depends on the individual.

    ^^This... dynamic 'warm-up' stretches before and static stretches after... it does a body good.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    I always do a short warm up and some dynamic stretching followed by light but specific stretching for a variety of running related areas. It's routine, let's me sense how I'm feeling, detect issues, and avoid pushing my work out if I should be dialing it back. Post run, I do a thorough stretch.

    Years ago as a distance runner I'd experienced a number of injuries that can be mitigated or prevented with proper stretching. I don't need to be sold on the value of stretching.
  • ckspores1018
    ckspores1018 Posts: 168 Member
    I do dynamic stretching before my workouts (jumping jacks, leg lifts, etc) and static stretching after. I credit it with helping me to avoid injury, especially when it comes to running.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member

    Thanks for all the responses!

    I just started stretching again, and I do it completely separate from my workouts, maybe for about twenty minutes at a time. I find that it's relaxing and just feels good, not to mention I'd like to be more flexible.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    ^^This... dynamic 'warm-up' stretches before and static stretches after... it does a body good.

    It really depends on the individual. Some folks really need some static-stretching pre-workout because they're muscles are just that tight; it's really not the end of the world (pre-workout static stretching) like some folks and literature would have you believe. Just do a dynamic movement or two after to regain any potentially lost neuromuscular control.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    I don't stretch.

    Warm up is important.

    Studies have shown that stretching prior to exercise does nothing and is only minimally beneficial after exercise.

    It depends on what studies you're referring to, in other words; what is the context behind those studies? What were the treatments, who composed the experimental group, what exactly was being measured, etc., etc.??? You don't need to post them because I'm familiar enough with both sides of the argument at this point.

    If you push aside all the noise surrounding the studies that are done and have a basic understanding of human kinematics, antagonist muscles must release in order for the agonist to move properly, period. If you are too tight then you will not move correctly and in order to "loosen up" you must do some form of stretching. Some people will need static stretching, some may only need active stretching, and some may only need some brief dynamic stretching; it all 100% depends on the individual. If mobility is neglected, then there is real chance for injury to occur, it's pretty simple. Our muscles need to move as intended.