Getting frustrated...have gained .6 pounds this week



  • aimeemanninghunter
    aimeemanninghunter Posts: 85 Member
    Things you need to know.

    1. Weight fluctuates daily. I can be up 5lbs in 1 day. Don't stress it.
    2. Negative emotions such as frustration cause people to fail. so stop it. Pick yourself up, brush the dirt off your shoulder, sport a smile and keep going. There willbe bad days, bad weeks, possibly bad months, or even bad years... it's part of the process.

    Here is a little guide on how to set up your calories,It's really short and simple...

    Doesn't MFP basically take care of that for you?
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Things you need to know.

    1. Weight fluctuates daily. I can be up 5lbs in 1 day. Don't stress it.
    2. Negative emotions such as frustration cause people to fail. so stop it. Pick yourself up, brush the dirt off your shoulder, sport a smile and keep going. There willbe bad days, bad weeks, possibly bad months, or even bad years... it's part of the process.

    Here is a little guide on how to set up your calories,It's really short and simple...

    Doesn't MFP basically take care of that for you?

    MFP has their basic set up, but a lot of people like to tinker with the macros settings. I think I've got mine set to around 40 carb/30 protein and fat. The default is something like 55 carb.
  • Datahorde
    Datahorde Posts: 154
    Most people just starting out will lose a considerable amount in the first week. The vast amount being water weight!! Week 2-4 is a little more difficult as your body is getting used to your new food/calorie intake and will want to hold onto some of this as it is used to much more food. This is normal!!

    Also note that 1200 is a bit low especially if you are exercising at all. You should eat at least your BMR. (go to to calculate) My guess is you should eat at least 1400 calories a day.

    Another thing to pay attention to is your sodium intake. .6 in one week can EASILY be sodium!! Your weight can fluctuate up to 3lbs in a given day (more if TOM is visiting. blech). So do NOT let .6 discourage you. Drink at least 10 glasses of water a day (if not more), watch the sodium and continue to move forward!!

    you can do this!!

    I guess I should say I was eating at least 1200 NET calories according to MFP. So if I burned 300 calories exercising I would eat 300 more calories. Some days I ate up to 1600 (I get 1830). I get a little obsessive with the scale....maybe I need to have my husband hide it. I weigh every morning. It doesn't help that I feel really bloated like because my body is compensating for the pain in my back by arching making my belly stick out....I'd be happy even seeing a .2 loss :(

    Remember - It's easier to Destroy than it is to Rebuild

    When I lost my 40Lbs, I would sometimes go a week w/o seeing a drop in anything. Your body will want to fight you, to hold onto those pounds you've gained through the years. Stick with your logging, maybe try eating your calories in 5-6 meals through the day, but you WILL lose it, patience and dedication will be rewarded.

    Looking daily at the scale could be water weight, stress, sodium, and since your female - a whole bunch of other things. Don't worry about the .2 or the 5lbs from day-to-day. Focus on eating healthy unprocessed foods, and drinking your water every day to keep flushing out the bad stuff.

    you can do this!!
  • Cassie06
    Cassie06 Posts: 16 Member
    You sound like me. I've been eating a little more than I should but I have to keep reminding myself of my ultimate goal! If you ever want someone to talk to or to give you some accountability feel free to add me :)
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Thank seems ridiculous I know...I just get so discouraged especially since I can't really exercise until my back calms down..

    you need to change the way you think. don't focus on the scale, focus on eating healthy and to your calorie goal, aka if your goal is 1300, try to eat 1300 cals of good food.

    you are discouraging yourself. I didn't weight myself for 2 months, because its not the main thing to focus on.

    its been two weeks, and you have lost 12lb. you cant 12lb everyweek.

    this is an ongoing thing. its a lifestyle change. if you don't change, it will shorted your life, aka kill you.

    so, why are you being discouraged from living a longer, happier healthier life by .6lb.

    wait. you mean 1/2 an lb? your weight can go up by 2lb due to water retention. the other day, I was the lowest i've ever been, 70.9kg 2 days later I was 71.1kg. ive even been up to 71.9kg in the last week.

    I get it. you just started and you really want this to work. well, its working. 12lb is a great start, just make sure you eat good food to stay healthy and that you get your portion sizes right - weigh stuff - its a good idea.

    just give yourself a break, focus on the food, don't worry too much about the scale, and just don't give up.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Thank seems ridiculous I know...I just get so discouraged especially since I can't really exercise until my back calms down..

    I have been bed ridden twice for a month at a time. No exercise at all. One time for my back, one time for gout... Both times I lost about 8-10lbs. So don't use that as an excuse.

    great answer dude. reeeeal helpful.
  • adamalle
    adamalle Posts: 88 Member
    You lost 13lbs in a week?! A WEEK?!!!! Did you lose a limb?

    Anyway, as others have said .6 is nothing at all to worry about. Keep the faith, more will come off, this is just a blip.
  • aimeemanninghunter
    aimeemanninghunter Posts: 85 Member
    Thank seems ridiculous I know...I just get so discouraged especially since I can't really exercise until my back calms down..

    I have been bed ridden twice for a month at a time. No exercise at all. One time for my back, one time for gout... Both times I lost about 8-10lbs. So don't use that as an excuse.

    great answer dude. reeeeal helpful.

    I'm not using the back as an excuse. I literally have had to be flat on my back for days by doctor order. If I was using it as an excuse I would say oh well and eat what I want. I've been eating well just not a lot of moving.
  • aimeemanninghunter
    aimeemanninghunter Posts: 85 Member
    No, I had just eaten really poorly the week prior. It was my birthday and while I was exercising, I was not eating good food. Basically whatever I wanted. So I understand it was mostly water weight. And I don't expect to lose 13 pounds every week, lol. I know the first week you lose the most. Just frustrating to not see even a slight favorable change.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    0.6 lb isn't anything more than a couple of glasses of water. Or a couple of bathroom visits.

    Don't overthink these things.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    There is no failure in gaining. Failure is about totally giving up. Keep going!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    If you hadn't been weighing yourself every week, you might have weighed yourself this last time and been all OH! I LOST 12.6 lbs. And if you were a glass is half full type of person you might have been all , HEY THAT'S LIKE ALMOST 13 lbs. Wow 13 lbs in 2 weeks is like 6 lbs a week as an average that's pretty cool.

    So two morals.

    1) weigh less often.
    2) the glass is half full. always see it as half full.

    look back on your experience as you've proven to yourself you have the capacity to change. So does your body. You are lucky enough NOT to be one of these people who kill themselves to lose weight and nothing happens. That's progress, just the knowledge of that. Build on that. You also know now that eating back your cals can work. Overdoing it for a birthday week rather than a birthday day does not. Build on that. You also know that net cals means something. Build on that. Even starting now.

    You can eat for your current activity level which with the back problem is probably sedentary. Luckily from my experience the less active we are the less hungry we are so it's just a matter of finding an eating plan that fits the number of cals you are alloted for your cal goals as you determine them whether using MFP or one of the suggestions in this thread. To me they are all nearly similar so as long as you are being honest on your MFP thingie and eating back your cals I see no reason not to rely on that one for your early goals while you figure out how you want to proceed. Being in bed or just out of the workout game for awhile just might give you enough time to research past threads for topics like TDEE, level obstacles, IIFYM, ipoarm, & etc. Good luck, frustration is temporary and in direct relation to your pain. Just tow the line for now. When your pain subsides so will your negative thoughts. :flowerforyou:
  • AnJulNZ
    AnJulNZ Posts: 186 Member
    Are you actually serious? :laugh:

  • aimeemanninghunter
    aimeemanninghunter Posts: 85 Member
    Thank seems ridiculous I know...I just get so discouraged especially since I can't really exercise until my back calms down..

    I have been bed ridden twice for a month at a time. No exercise at all. One time for my back, one time for gout... Both times I lost about 8-10lbs. So don't use that as an excuse.

    great answer dude. reeeeal helpful.

    I'm not using the back as an excuse. I literally have had to be flat on my back for days by doctor order. If I was using it as an excuse I would say oh well and eat what I want. I've been eating well just not a lot of moving.

    What i was trying to say when i meant "using it as an excuse." I mean your lack o progress in 1 week has nothing to do with your back injury... Weight loss is about calories, nothing more.

    I was just saying that I haven't been able to exercise because of my back and exercising does help your metabolism.
  • Lindabummy1
    Lindabummy1 Posts: 73 Member
    You did lose quite a bit the first week, so .6 is really just probably a temporary thing. I wouldn't stress out about it so early in the came. It will work itself out if you continue to be successful with your food and exercise. Maybe just walking a little and build up time til your back is better. Good luck
  • aimeemanninghunter
    aimeemanninghunter Posts: 85 Member
    You did lose quite a bit the first week, so .6 is really just probably a temporary thing. I wouldn't stress out about it so early in the came. It will work itself out if you continue to be successful with your food and exercise. Maybe just walking a little and build up time til your back is better. Good luck

    I'm getting ready to start walking again. I just can't for a while after my back goes out because someone would find me on the trail on the ground unable to get up because of muscle spasms, lol. I had a hard time even getting to the bathroom sometimes. I dropped a couple of pounds now so maybe my body was holding on because it was in pain? I dunno.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    You probably went to the bathroom.
  • aimeemanninghunter
    aimeemanninghunter Posts: 85 Member
    lol, no that wasn't it because I've been doing that a lot lately :P