Food Blues

How do you overcome food blues?

I've been on a 1,300 calorie diet the past three days, I'm while I have already lost a pound, I'm depressed because I can't eat what I want to eat.

It's harder when you live with someone who doesn't have to diet and can eat what they want. It killed me watching my boyfriend eat hot dogs yesterday while I had a giant bowl of dressing covered leaves (salad).

And the worse part is, now I'm scared to eat anything that may bring those two pounds back.

I'm already starting to get depressed about it. While I love that I'm losing weight, I'm always hungry now.

Help me :'(


  • laurakelly6
    laurakelly6 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey! Dont get down on yourself! You are doing incredible things for your body! Make sure you get some lean meat in with that salad, it will make you feel fuller and you wont even want hot dogs! There are tons of exciting recipes that will satisfy those cravings and keep you on track! Just remember how awesome you felt when you saw that weight loss! You can totally do this!!
  • marievinejackson
    marievinejackson Posts: 43 Member
    The best way to overcome it is to see the weight come off.
    My husband eats huge amounts of food for his body building and has no respect for my eating habits at all, but as I am looking better and better I just think F* you I'm doing this for me… look at me now!
    Laura's right about getting some meat in with the salad, your soon find 1300 cals a day a breeze, I'm on 1200 and don't always have that much. Exercise on the days when you know your out for the evening or having people over so you can eat more.

    Well done on losing the first 2lb, here's to meny more!!
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    A hot dog very well might have better nutrition for the same calorie content as a salad full of dressing dependent upon what you put in your salad, and what kind of/how much dressing you use.