Over 40??



  • iamsamsma
    iamsamsma Posts: 12
    Hi, I am Priscilla and I am 42( yikes that sounds like an AA introduction)!
    Yes, I have for sure noticed slower weight loss. In the beginning I lost at a rate of half of what I could when I was just dieting. I don't know if it was all due to age, or the fact I was now working out and lifting weights, which I thought would speed up my loss but no such luck :(
    Now I am really slowing down, and I am working out even more and harder too!
    I have gone through a 4.5 month plateau, and stuck through it, but lose only 2 pounds a month on average now.

    But, that is all OK! I am in this for life, my new life, so I am in no rush.
    Take things day by day, don't rely on the scale, and just keep doing the right thing, you will get there!!

    I would love if you wanted to friend me!
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    44 years young here and feel free to add me, its slow losing but I try not to worry so much about that as
    working on improving my fitness and health, I have diabetes and my goal is to get off medication.
  • autumny70
    autumny70 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm 43 and echoing everyone else, it is slower now than it used to be. Like someone else said, there's no hurry, I don't have a deadline. I figure losing slowly while gaining strength and lifting heavy things is going to be easier to maintain in the long run. I've lost 16 lbs so far, and feel healthier than I have in a very long time. Not only can I wear smaller clothes, my hair is soft, skin is great, nails keep growing like crazy. Amazing what happens when you take care of yourself!
    I always welcome more friends my age, feel free to add me anyone.
  • C8H10N4O2
    C8H10N4O2 Posts: 1
    Hi, I just signed up today! I will be 41 in a few weeks and I am ready to get this weight off.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Hi I'm Vanessa and I'll be 44 next week. I lost most of my weight at age 38 but put a little back on at age 42 when there was a lot of upheaval in my life (moving, changing jobs, building a house, living in a hotel, my son went over seas, my cat died...)

    Anyway, the only difference between when I lost weight then and now is that then I was eating between 1200 and 1350 and only getting very moderate exercise of 30 minutes 6 days a week. Now because I run a lot and do circuit training, I get a lot more exercise and have had to up my calories because the 1200-1350 simply wasn't enough for my current activity (I'm currently getting back into running after pulling my groin but still running around 20 miles per week, as well as doing circuit training (weights with plyometrics) 3x per week ~ 50 minutes-1 hour, swimming 2-3x per week and walking 3-4x per week)

    I am on/off gluten free and dairy free. I have been trying to be gluten free and dairy free b/c it is catalyst for PMS and PMS is a catalyst for migraines for me. However, the only location for me to buy gluten free and most dairy free products (other than almond milk) is 50 minutes away, so I don't get there often..so I'm having a hard time with this.
  • markbolch
    markbolch Posts: 24 Member
    I’m 56 and its not as easy as it was. Not sure of your meds but at one point a couple years ago I was on meds for Cholesterol and taking insulin shots and metformin with blood sugar still through the roof.. Prescribed myself the move more eat less concept and no more meds at all with great labs after dropping the weight. Not suggesting everyone can get off their meds but it worked for me and my head is in a much better place. The other thing that motivated me was my doctor told me I couldnt do it with diet and exercise. Never tell me I cant do something that I control myself.

    It is harder as you age but it can be done. At 56 I say 50’s is the new 30”s so 40’s must be the new 20’s. You can do it, just never give up. If I have a bad day I just go on to the next and keep trying rather than slipping back in the dark hole of binge eating and setting my *kitten* on the sofa. When I started I didn’t set a goal to lose 100 pounds because it seemed so unobtainable. What I did was set a goal to do the right thing all week or all day. Days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months and months turn to years and now I’m down 80+ pounds. Kudos to you for doing something in your 40’s and not waiting for your 50’s to start but it can be done !! Now if I can just figure out how to grow hair on my head and not in my ears I would be good to go..
  • Zinaga
    Zinaga Posts: 5
    I'm 48. Have always been on the heavier side but since my marriage in 1994 and the birth of my two kids, I have gained over 70 lbs. High Cholesterol forever, and diagnosed with Hypothyroidism in 1994 during my first pregnancy. Lost 60+ lbs in 1999 using Opti-fast (which I do not recommend) but gained it all back with my second pregnancy. Lost about 30 lbs back in 2011 on Quick Weight Loss (money pit) but gained it all back after my father died. After and informative discussion with my Doctor late last year I finally took matters into my own hands and started my own diet in November, when I was at my all time heaviest. (I do not want diabetes!!!) So far, so good, 51 lbs down and counting...and I'm hoping my husband and kids take a page from my healthy food habits now. I'd like to see them all get fit and healthy with me! I feel great and I'm seeing amazing changes in my body. I will never be skinny...but HEALTHY is my goal (and a few pounds less then what I weighed before I got married!)! :happy:

    Congrats to all on the great numbers I am seeing. You are all inspirational!
  • frannyab
    frannyab Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I'm Frances and I'm 51. I was diagnosed with celiac a couple of years ago and so had to go gluten-free, and unlike most diets I'd tried before I stuck to that as I felt better. HOWEVER unlike what the books suggest I gained weight after going gluten-free, and I think it was the combination of suddenly I could absorb everything and also that all the gluten-free substitutes are pretty high calorie. So my advice would be to avoid all foods that aren't naturally gluten-free (that is don't bother with the gluten free bread or crackers etc), go slow on the other carb-y foods like rice, potatoes and corn and eat all the things that are naturally gluten free like lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, vegetables, fruit (and the occasional small piece of chocolate!) One fun tip someone showed me this weekend for barbecues-wrap your gluten-free hot dog or hamburger in a couple of sturdy romaine lettuce leaves-they'll hold in the condiments and it's quite tasty.
  • jodynolte
    jodynolte Posts: 243 Member
    Hi! I am also 44 and have struggled my whole life with weight loss and have tried EVERYTHING!! MFP is what I needed, along with help from friends and family on here. I've lost 63 lbs slowly, over the past year or so. It is hard, but if I can do it, you can too! Friend me and good luck!
  • Hi. I'm Bonnie, and I'm 55. I became diabetic a couple of years ago and my weight was the highest it had ever been, over 300lb. I have always had a weight problem, since I was a child. I've lost large amounts of weight a few times but it always came back. At this point it is much harder to lose than it used to be, but I am finding the Wheat Belly recommendations very helpful. I am losing weight, including that terrible stomach fat and my blood glucoses are under much better control. Of course, with wheat belly you are gluten free, and I agree with a previous comment that it is important not to use the starchy gluten free substitutes if you want to lose weight. I eat mostly meat, fish and poultry, vegetables and a limited amount of fruit. I also eat eggs and cheese but limit milk products that are not fermented. I do have yogurt occasionally. So far I have lost over 40lb. from my high weight which doesn't sound like much, but it doesn't come off like it used to. Whatever you decide is the right program for you, good luck. And, oh yes, exercise is important. I try to walk 30-60 minutes ever day and also do other exercises whenever I can (calisthenics, swimming, low-impact aerobics).
  • WelshDaffie
    HI there, Im over 40 (42) and also on few medication that make me gain weight
    Feel free to add me.
  • JDY36
    JDY36 Posts: 17
    Feeling pretty old, all the 40 somethings out there. I am 52, and seems like it is indeed more difficult than when I was younger. You know the saying, " Youth is wasted on the young," rings pretty true! I've been on some meds that could have made some weight gain, but just improper eating and getting burned out on exercising really has taken it's toll. I am so happy to find this site! It really holds me accountable to what I eat, and I get credit for exercising at the gym. The weight loss is happening slowly, but I am encouraged. Feel free to add me as a friend. :flowerforyou: