After many broken journeys, I can now imagine the end.

A day goes by, then another...then another, pretty soon you are on the edge of age 30 and what has held you back everyday is holding tighter than ever. Your weight, your health, your sickness, your LIFE. You can feel it slipping away, thinking, well I'm still young and I still have time, or why, oh why have I have been cursed with metabolism like this. Now, after years of trying and failing, succeeding for short periods and more fails. I believe I've been able to conquer these doubts and evil ways. I know I need to live for myself and not some false hope that people need to think a certain way about me or see me as acceptable. I want to live, plain and simple, I don't want the pain, the exhaustion and most of all the lack of self worth that comes with me being unacceptable to myself. I want to learn to accept myself and push myself to live the life that "I" want to live, not the person next to me thinks I should.

It is day 4 here on MFP for me. I have been changing my diet for about a month now, been to the gym every day for the last week. There really is nothing preventing me from doing the things required to live life and be healthy. I understand that there are proper excuses for certain people, there is no denying that. For me, there are no excuses, only lies. I will not stand for lying to myself and others, so this is it. I am throwing, rather launching myself as hard as I can into the world, putting myself out there. I am involving my facebook friends to my journey, my close and distant friends, family and anyone else willing to hear it. My first post to my friends I used #takingcontrol and #loveyourself and I want to live by those hashrules from here on out. Thank you for reading and I look forward to making friends and cheering people on towards their goals and lives.
