P90X3 Nutrition Guide help

tdelam Posts: 48 Member

I started P90X3 last night. I did the nutrition guide and it suggests that I eat 2700 calories a day (Plan E). This seems like a lot when my goal is to lose weight. Do I seriously eat 2700 calories a day to drop weight? I currently eat 1700-2200 now and need to drop 30 pounds. Issue for me is I quit smoking a few years ago and gained weight, quite a bit when I quit and now I am looking to lose it and get back into shape.

Please help, just seems like 2700 is a lot and seems like it would go against losing weight!


  • thart0
    thart0 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm no nutritionist but if your doing the program and plugged your weight and height into the program, it most likely is correct. I've done the program in the past with the diet, your body will burn calories so you will need to fuel the furnace so to speak.
  • tdelam
    tdelam Posts: 48 Member
    thart0, fuel the furnace -- hmm, I guess eh? It just seems like i'd be over eating.
  • deltayork
    deltayork Posts: 71 Member
    2700 is a lot, but the workouts are Intense!! You'll likely burn 400-500 from a single workout, plus after-burn. It's also about the balance of protein, carbs and healthy fats. You eat more food, but better quality fuel for your body. I'm not doing P90, but struggled with the same thing. Was eating 1500 calories/ day, but had my bmr tested and my base is 1780. I was struggling to loose because my body was "saving" the calorie energy essentially thinking it was starving.
  • ms_maruska
    ms_maruska Posts: 119 Member
    I'm doing the program myself and am in my fifth week. I was supposed to eat 2100 according to the nutrition guide but after a few days I found it to be too much and decided to eat 1700 instead (I played around with a few different numbers). This is what I feel good with and am comfortable with. I'm not hungry and don't have cravings and I feel like I can push myself during the workouts. The only thing I would suggest to you is to try and eat your protein. I've noticed that I feel fatigued and my endurance suffers if I don't eat enough protein :)
  • tdelam
    tdelam Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for the info guys!