
hey guys! I'm really into strength training but yoga has caught my eye enough to want to try it...what are the benefits of yoga?


  • InProgressFitChick
    InProgressFitChick Posts: 3 Member
    I did yoga for about a year and stopped with my busy school schedule but I am planning to get back into it myself. There are tons of great benefits. A few for me included

    -Better flexibility. This actually helps in many aspects of working out improving your range of motion.
    - Improved strength. Core, legs, arms, everything
    - Muscle control
    - Mental strength/Focus- fell in love with meditation when I was doing martial arts so of course I appreciate this part of yoga!

    Not sure if you were looking for a general or strictly male perspective, but there's an Instagram page you might like of a man that does it. If you want the name, I can message it.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    Try it - try a couple of different styles (yin, ashtanga, iyengar, viniyoga) - see what you think.

    The benefits for me have been much more mental than physical, even though I'm mostly working on the physical level.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    well, if you're like me and most other people, you're not quite as dedicated to stretching as you should be, foregoing any real stretching to just a casual couple of minutes after your workout.

    I started doing yoga once a week about a month ago, and have really enjoyed it. it's an hour of stretching and quiet time. there are a lot of misconceptions about yoga, like you have to quiet your mind (you don't), or already have to be flexible, etc etc. i've gone to hatha yoga, which is a lot of seated and standing poses, holding them for a few seconds, and a power yoga class that is a little bit more intense and quick moving, but not as stretchy.

    check this out.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I want to preface this by saying I am an aerial yoga instructor
    and there are many differnet types of yoga.
    hatha is great for beginners usually as it is more posed focused
    vinasyna is more flow and I have found to be more aerobic
    power yoga is more focused I feel on building muscle but is still very aerobic
    bikram is good but I am not a fan of hot yoga where they bump up the temperature to 90+F

    Then there is restorative, which is more stretchy
    Yin where you hold poses for a long time-some people find a great amount of emotional release here too

    then there are others like what I do. Where we use fabric and gravity to deepen our stretches, invert, swing, etc

    benefits per webmd
