Allergic to jogging?

Ok I know I can't really be allergic to exercise since I can do any other exercise routine I want, but, every time I try jogging for a period of time I break out in blotches and itch like crazy. My brother in law starting jogging when he was extremely overweight and never experienced this problem. Has anyone ever heard of this? Or experienced it? I would love to jog and complete a 5K as one of my fitness goals but this is crazy!!!


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Do you spend a lot of time outside otherwise? Is it possible that it's just general allergies, and when you're jogging outside you're exposed to the allergens longer than normal?
  • sarahlou1114
    sarahlou1114 Posts: 17 Member
    I spend a lot of time outdoors normally. I do all the yard work and gardening. This is only when I jog...
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You can indeed actually be allergic to "exercise" and not even allergic to sweat- and it can often be tempered with a small dose of antihistamine (my doctor handed my a pile of Zurtec and said- try this while for a while)

    It could also be a circulation issue- it happens when you aren't in particularly good shape- when I used to come off seasons cross country- I was never in BAD shape- but I wasn't in running shape any more- and I had some VERY brutal runs till my body readjusted- it's painful- the itching.

    it was horrible. For me it got better- so you can try the antihistamine- or keep pressing through (dial back just a bit and just keep doing SOMETHING) and or go see a doctor- but no- you aren't crazy. It DOES happen.
  • Indigoblu1
    Indigoblu1 Posts: 127 Member
    Ok I know I can't really be allergic to exercise since I can do any other exercise routine I want, but, every time I try jogging for a period of time I break out in blotches and itch like crazy. My brother in law starting jogging when he was extremely overweight and never experienced this problem. Has anyone ever heard of this? Or experienced it? I would love to jog and complete a 5K as one of my fitness goals but this is crazy!!!

    Hi, Sarahlou, please see my post-it is the same topic with many great replies and name to this!
  • dbomb76
    dbomb76 Posts: 171 Member
    You should ask a doctor, not random internet people.
  • sarahlou1114
    sarahlou1114 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you! No one else seems to understand that I get crazy itchy when I run. I'm in decent shape because I've always worked out, just not consistently. Running or jogging is the one thing that is hard for me. Maybe I'll starting jogging a few minutes at a time and just work my way up. Thanks so much! :))
  • sarahlou1114
    sarahlou1114 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, a doctor should be my first choice. Thanks;)
  • sarahlou1114
    sarahlou1114 Posts: 17 Member
    Great replies Indigoblu1, glad I'm not the only one.
  • moledew
    moledew Posts: 71 Member
    My friend is JUST like this and I thought she was making excuses for the longest time! after about a mile (maybe less) of just a brisk walk she'd always be behind me itching and really flustered. After about a year of this I realized she wasn't faking it... She was literally in tears and asked if I would walk back to my car and come pick her up because she couldn't go any further. Her mom is a nurse and said it was more than likely just poor circulation. She's overweight but only by maybe 15lbs, definitely not obese, and worked in a warehouse on her feet,sweating for 10 hours a day with no problems so we never understood why walking/jogging messed her up so badly.
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    My vote is a Sunlight sensitivity. I've seen it before, but yeah... go to a Doctor.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Drop a non drowsy anti histamine before you run. During allergy season I take a one a day tablet of a morning to keep the wolf from the door.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    Drop a non drowsy anti histamine before you run. During allergy season I take a one a day tablet of a morning to keep the wolf from the door.

    In fact, ignore that. As others have said, maybe see a doctor first. :#
  • ercaface
    ercaface Posts: 45 Member
    This happens to me! I get what looks like almost hives sometimes! If I am at the gym or after i shower I will be red and splotchy, sometimes itchy....I have a Dr Appt in a couple weeks to discuss it!
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,895 Member
    My co-worker breaks out like that whenever she sweats. She is allergic to pretty much everything so I tell her she must be3 allergic to herself, too. Poor thing.
  • sarahlou1114
    sarahlou1114 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks guys! :D
  • JcMey3r
    JcMey3r Posts: 431 Member
    I find that my calves get super hard to the point where walking becomes sore, i've seen a doctor that didn't really help. so for that reason I don't jog. if anyone has a similar condition, I would love to hear from you.
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    Here's an article on runner's itch: If your blotches turn into itchy patches that last for up to a few days, it could be exercise-induced vasculitis.
  • sarahlou1114
    sarahlou1114 Posts: 17 Member
    Ok, pretty embarrassing to find out I'm just out of shape! Note to self, stay active to avoid the itch.... ;) lol
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    moledew wrote: »
    My friend is JUST like this and I thought she was making excuses for the longest time! after about a mile (maybe less) of just a brisk walk she'd always be behind me itching and really flustered. After about a year of this I realized she wasn't faking it... She was literally in tears and asked if I would walk back to my car and come pick her up because she couldn't go any further. Her mom is a nurse and said it was more than likely just poor circulation. She's overweight but only by maybe 15lbs, definitely not obese, and worked in a warehouse on her feet,sweating for 10 hours a day with no problems so we never understood why walking/jogging messed her up so badly.

    I remember I almost sat down and cried once because it was THAT bad. Mine usually hits me about 1 mile in- almost like clock work. And it's HORRIBLY painful when it gets really bad.
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    Interesting. Do see a doctor about this. I used to get histamine reactions to cold weather and especially hot weather. It may be as easy as taking an antihistamine before jogging, or it may be more serious.

    I don't get the reaction since my immune system has taken up other hobbies. Do not recommend. But I don't miss the itching or hives.