Sugar Intake

So I've lost about 50ish pounds but have been at a plateau for about a year. I have another 30ish to go but just can't get any further. I recently had an Aha moment and realized that even though I was eating the right amount of calories I was eating WAY too much sugar. The weight I can't lose is all in my belly so this all makes sense. So I've reigned in my added sugar but still WAY over if I eat a Banana and blueberries for example. What grams do you all keep to with sugar? when eating 2 pieces of fruit I just can't seem to keep it under 40-50 grams. My before fruit grams is about 15-20 but then the fruit adds about another 30. I've read conflicting reports about fruit sugar, some say it's not as bad but some say sugar is sugar. Of course a banana is better than a candy bar but still the grams look really high on my MFP food diary.

Help! I must get rid of this belly, my lower belly is really my only problem area left.


  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited June 2015
    Oh jeez. OP, there are about three other sugar threads going on right now on this board. Are you diabetic? If not, you don't need to worry about tracking sugar. Sugar doesn't magically convert to fat, and eating more than the MFP recommendation (which is quite low anyway) will not hurt you or your weight loss at all. What's important is calories. (Also, the banana may have more nutrients than a candy bar, but that doesn't make it better. Sugar is sugar.)

    ETA: I recommend tracking fiber instead. That way, you won't have to see those "high" values, and you'll be tracking something actually worth tracking.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Oh jeez. OP, there are about three other sugar threads going on right now on this board. Are you diabetic? If not, you don't need to worry about tracking sugar. Sugar doesn't magically convert to fat, and eating more than the MFP recommendation (which is quite low anyway) will not hurt you or your weight loss at all. What's important is calories. (Also, the banana may have more nutrients than a candy bar, but that doesn't make it better. Sugar is sugar.)

    This. /thread
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    It won't be sugar that's stopping you losing weight (assuming you have no related medical conditions). Calories are what matter for weight loss. If you've not lost weight in that long then either you're underestimating what you're eating, or you're eating at maintenance and need to eat less. Can you open your diary?
  • moontime
    moontime Posts: 4 Member
    Well I've lost 5 lbs, the first time the scale has moved in a while so it seems to be working.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    moontime wrote: »
    So I've lost about 50ish pounds but have been at a plateau for about a year. I have another 30ish to go but just can't get any further. I recently had an Aha moment and realized that even though I was eating the right amount of calories I was eating WAY too much sugar. The weight I can't lose is all in my belly so this all makes sense.
    That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.

    If the scale is moving, you're now in a caloric deficit.

  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    moontime wrote: »
    Well I've lost 5 lbs, the first time the scale has moved in a while so it seems to be working.

    Congrats on your weight loss.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Unless you have a medical condition, you don't really have to track sugar. Being over your sugar limit will not hinder your weight loss. Being over your calories will. If your sugar is distracting, then you can swap it out for fiber or another nutrient.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    Unless you have a medical condition, you don't really have to track sugar. Being over your sugar limit will not hinder your weight loss. Being over your calories will. If your sugar is distracting, then you can swap it out for fiber or another nutrient.

    +1. I track fiber instead of sugar.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    Unless you have a medical condition, you don't really have to track sugar. Being over your sugar limit will not hinder your weight loss. Being over your calories will. If your sugar is distracting, then you can swap it out for fiber or another nutrient.
