Number Goals???



  • Christine0111
    I have a similar question... I have my goals in mind but can't seem to find where to put this in, in my profile... I see that some people have it posted like their ticker... any suggestions on the navigation of this?

    Thanks in advance =)
  • 58Sunny
    58Sunny Posts: 13
    Christine, go into Tools. There are a couple of options to choose from.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    My goal is to be 10 feet tall and bulletproof. 10% bodyfat, lean and hard and strong. Able to deadlift a chevy, bike a century and swim across the river. I want my chest to be 15 inches bigger than my waist. I'm not sure what my bodyweight will be when I get there, I'm guessing somewhere in the 190-195 bracket. That part's not really important to me.

    Biggest wild dream hope prayer goal? I want my wife to be healthy and happy and well. Lean and strong and satisfied with her body would be nice too.