Anyone Else Trying to Get Their Pre Baby Body Back?

So I need to lose 50 lbs. 40 of which I gained after having my daughter 8 months ago!
I am so ready and willing to put in my all to lose this weight and feel good again, oh and of course, to get back into my old wardrobe!

Add me if you're in the same predicament and lets motivate one another :D


  • TheSkinnyFitMom
    TheSkinnyFitMom Posts: 3 Member
    :) I am too but my baby is 2 and I lost all my weight from her (12lbs) but I need to get to my college weight. I think having a baby adds time :wink:
    I'm using Resolution Drops by TLC and so far its working great!
    MICHAELAG2015 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am new here to my Fitness Pal I have 50 pounds to lose as well I just had my 5th baby I lost 14 pounds I gained with him but I have still carried around 45 pounds from my first pregnancy lol I am so tired of being tired and I would love to be journey buddies if you would like lol
  • laurajr123
    laurajr123 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes and my baby is 34.....
  • charleedex21
    charleedex21 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes definitely in the same boat I had my 2nd baby girl in March and have 28 lbs to lose but really struggling with motivation x
  • nasima100
    nasima100 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes! Just had baby #2, need to lose 14 lbs.
  • Beckie_82
    Beckie_82 Posts: 15 Member
    I had baby number two 9 weeks ago and have 15lbs to lose to get to my pre preg weight and 28 lbs to my ideal weight. Please feel free to add me.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Yes! I have almost 30 lbs to lose. I signed up for a 5k run in Aug today for some motivation and accountability. Please feel free to add me.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Yes, but my goal is to increase strength to where I was before I had baby #3 and baby #4. Baby #3 was 5 weeks old when I got pregnant with my 4th, after I gained back the weight I lost during the pregnancies I began lifting again and am struggling to get my strength and stamina back up to where it was (pregnancy nearly kills me) I'm doing alright, just getting really impatient. The struggle to find the time is the worst aspect of it for me.
  • parveensamplay
    parveensamplay Posts: 16 Member
    Yeah I need to lose around 3 and a half stone most of it post birth plus got comfortable post we'd lol. Figured with time off work now I should be able to do it once and for all
  • kelly_gelinas
    kelly_gelinas Posts: 137 Member
    I had my daughter in October 2014. I have 8 more pregnancy pounds to lose and want to drop 25 additional pounds before trying for baby #2.
  • Stephlamon89
    Stephlamon89 Posts: 31 Member
    I had baby #4 on Halloween last year and I need to lose 40lbs. My pregnancies were back to back and I gained most of my weight between babies #1 & 2. I'm determined not to get pregnant as soon as I start losing this time, no matter how ecstatic my husband would be. Lol.
  • starjulia
    starjulia Posts: 22 Member
    Me, but my baby is almost 4. It was easy to loae after the first one but the second one has been tougher for some reason. I am working on it though.
  • Elisabuffy19
    Elisabuffy19 Posts: 130 Member
    Yes, I just had my second baby in May. I am trying to lose 15 - 20 lbs.
  • sid80
    sid80 Posts: 10 Member
    I have just had my baby in April 2015...and when i had my other baby in 2013 i managed to lose 80lbs within 10 months through a great workout regime and healthy eating..

    this time round i need to lose 50lbs and am sooo motivated to do this. Have started working out last week so lets see how it goes. Although i joined fitnesspal ages ago, im still new to using it.

    Lets work together and make each other reach our goals. Add me if your in a similar boat! ;)
  • McKennaHM
    McKennaHM Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, my little one is 11.5weeks and I have 9.6lbs to go to get to pre pregnancy weight and another 30 after that to be at my ideal weight. I started doing 30 day shred last week and have already lost 3.6 lbs!
  • kel2bugs
    kel2bugs Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there, baby #3 last November and 2 and a half stone to lose. Would like at least a stone off before August. Carbs and snacking are my enemies but running and rice cakes are my friends :-)
  • Elle_Bronwyn15
    Elle_Bronwyn15 Posts: 296 Member
    I've already lost the 60 lbs I gained during my pregnancy, but I am looking to lose another 50 or so! I was never really that healthy of a weight before, so I am trying to get even better!
  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    Me! I like to call it my pre-4-babies and pre-husband weight though :) My hubby loves to cook and is very generous with delicious tasty food. And I never did seem to lose any of the weight I gained when pregnant. I've been doing this since January and am down 57 lbs with at least 30 lbs still left to go.