Wish me luck!!

Hey folks after trying weight watchers on and off for too long and getting stuck in ruts i decided to give this a go! Started on thurs when i weighed myself so tomorrow is my first weigh in, hope iv lost because iv done so much excercise! Any motivational stories out there? Or tips? :)


  • shabette
    shabette Posts: 27 Member
    Hey welcome to MFP, im quite new too as i signed up to it years ago but didnt really do much about it but startrd property about 5 weeks ago now and ive lost 7.5 pounds so not a huge amount and its coming off slowly but im getting there, all i can say is write down absolutely everything you eat and drink and if you go over try to do some excersice to get more calories
  • lynseys1990
    lynseys1990 Posts: 7 Member
    7.5lbs is fantastic! Thats the weight of a good sized newborn you have lost, go you! I was the same got MFP years ago and never used it but im trying to hard to be good, sick of being flabby again instead of fabby lol! Whats your main reasons for wanting to lose weight?
  • shabette
    shabette Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks hun, and same as you really just sick of being flabby, i always say every year im going to loose weight for my holiday and i never do, but this time im really focused and want to look as good as i can aswell as be more healthy, i go away in about 9 weeks so hopefully i can loose alot more by then!