People with kids-when do you exercise and for how long?



  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I work FT & have two kids age 9 & 11. I also do a fair amount of volunteer work. Prior to a foot injury I would do a brisk 1-2mile walk during my lunch hour. During regular work hours every time I go to the restroom (TMI) I do a set of squats. After work the first thing I would do is the C25K routine on my treadmill.

    This is my 2nd week that I have not been able to walk or run so during lunch I have been spinning, if I don’t have time to spin then I go for a quick 2mile bike ride w/the kids, if I’m too lazy to go for the bike ride then I do a video & my daughter joins me. If I am really pressed for time I do some step-ups. Step-ups are a very fast way to burn calories and work your lower half. One of my friends here on MFP once said that she tries to do some form of exercise daily & that is the motto I go by. Instead of driving to your destination walk. It all adds up.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I either work out for 30 minutes at work or i push myself to work out for 20-30 minutes the moment i get home whether thats a dvd or taking baby on a walk, if i procrastinate it just wont happen, so everything else has been getting done AFTER i put myself exercising first.

    I find my little girl (almost 8 months) is content watching me exercise for that short of a time if daddy cant entertain her.

    While i am the first to admit how difficult it is, you just have to force yourself to get it done.

    I'm w/you. If I don't workout as soon as I get home it doesn't get done.
  • ImtheOnethatsCool
    ImtheOnethatsCool Posts: 212 Member
    when I worked outside the home, I went to the gym at lunch time.

    Now that I'm at home, and don't have access to a gym, I do body weight strength training any time I have a spare 30 minutes in the day. Because no equipment is involved, I can still do it with the kids running around me. (sometimes they try it, which is adorable)

    I go for my walk or run sometime after hubby gets home. Even if it's dark.
  • Netteyc
    Netteyc Posts: 18 Member

    I have a 2 year old, I work full time and my partner works away and is only home 2 nights a week. I do have a gym membership and I try to go whenever I can, my daughter goes to bed at 7.30 so if my sister or niece will babysit for me then I will try and fit an hour in before the gym closes, after I have put my daughter to bed. I bought an Elliptical cross trainer off ebay so I try and do that most mornings before work, usually when my daughter is watching her children's TV. On the nights that I can't go to the gym I try and do a workout at home, usually 30 day shred or step 360. On my days off I do my home workouts whilst my daughter is playing - sometimes she even joins in lol. it's very hard juggling a child / full time work / exercise but it is possible if you want to do it.
  • SuperKeely
    SuperKeely Posts: 20 Member
    It's harder when they are smaller, definitely. At that age I would put my son in the stroller and go for a run, or do some body-weight exercises and let him 'participate'. My husband also worked late during that period so I can definitely relate. I just squeezed more 'serious' workouts in whenever I could on his nights off, or on the weekend.

    Now our schedules are better and my son is older (5) so I have more options. I still go for a walk or hit the weight room at work over lunch though, so that I have more time to spend with my kid in the evenings. I still like to get him to 'work out' with me, though, because I feel like it sets a good example for a healthy lifestyle. If I'm always exercising when he's not around, he doesn't get to see that it's normal.

    Good luck :)
  • Netteyc
    Netteyc Posts: 18 Member
    I think the trick is to find more exercises to do at home, that way you can work it around your child, I was lucky to get my Elliptical cross trainer off ebay for £25.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I work full time and have 3 kiddos still at home (oldest 2 are out on their own). My youngest is 7. The "when" of when I exercise is largely dependent on what my goals at the time are and what's going on. Right now, a couple days a week I'm getting up at 5:00 to run from 5:30-6:45. I also work out on my lunch break (gym in my building). Weekends revolve around what workouts HAVE to get long runs can not be missed, but maybe I could skip the yoga this weekend...that sort of thing. Running has to be done when either my 13 or 15 year old is home to watch the 7 year old or when my hubby is available. Can't leave a 7 year old alone, and definitely can NOT run with him in a stroller or anything.

    Work up a schedule that you largely stick to. Make exceptions when necessary. I find that planning it all on a calendar works wonders (and is an absolute must for long distance running!).

    Good luck!
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    I work FT & have two kids age 9 & 11. I also do a fair amount of volunteer work. Prior to a foot injury I would do a brisk 1-2mile walk during my lunch hour. During regular work hours every time I go to the restroom (TMI) I do a set of squats. After work the first thing I would do is the C25K routine on my treadmill.

    This is my 2nd week that I have not been able to walk or run so during lunch I have been spinning, if I don’t have time to spin then I go for a quick 2mile bike ride w/the kids, if I’m too lazy to go for the bike ride then I do a video & my daughter joins me. If I am really pressed for time I do some step-ups. Step-ups are a very fast way to burn calories and work your lower half. One of my friends here on MFP once said that she tries to do some form of exercise daily & that is the motto I go by. Instead of driving to your destination walk. It all adds up.

    I do that too!! (Squats and lunges in the handicapped stall). That's funny someone else does that.
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    I have 3 children. I workout at 4:30am for an hour long (Insanity). Then run upstairs, help my husband get his lunch and coffee ready for work. Then I shower and get ready myself for work. I leave my house around quarter to 7 to get to work by 8. I get home from work around quarter to 6. Then cook, clean up, do dishes and then finally spend time with the kids. I never had time for them when I worked out after work.
  • ladykatya
    ladykatya Posts: 7 Member
    Here's a typical day for myself and my 8 and 10 year old:

    5:30 am - Alarm - get myself moving
    6:20 am - Kids are up - get them moving and set them to making their lunches for the day.
    7:15 am - On a good day, this is when we're out the door.
    7:30 am - Drop kids at daycare
    8:10 am - Arrive at work
    5:00 pm - Leave work
    5:45 pm - Pick up kids
    6:00 pm - If there's something easy to grab, the kids find something to take in the car to eat prior to their games/practice
    6:30 pm - First child to sport practice/game
    7:00 pm - Second child to sportl practice/game
    7:30 pm - Head to gym.
    8:30 pm - Pick up Child 1
    8:45 pm - Pick up Child 2
    9:00 pm - Dinner (if it wasn't in the car on the way to something else, that is!)
    9:30 pm - Showers for kids
    10:00 pm - Kid bedtime
    10:30 pm - Mom bedtime

    My poor fiance has hardly seen me in months... Just too busy, but I aim to do an hour a day. If there's no time for the gym, one of the kids and I are playing crazy games outside - usually catch...

    It can be done. You just have to want to. :)
  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    I have 4 kids, ages 8, 6, 4 and 21 months. My husband works from 7 am until 4 pm. I usually wait until he gets home then I take the baby for a walk for an hour. Some nights he will stay upstairs with the kids while I go to the basement on the treadmill or do a 20 min workout. But I get most of my exercise from going for long walks.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I'm at the gym by 4:30am and out around 6. Home in time to get myself and 2 kids out the door by 7.
  • turboturtlepower
    Can you run during your lunch hour? I used to walk during mine and worked up to doing Insanity in the mornings before work + my walk during lunch time.
  • RebeccaHite
    RebeccaHite Posts: 187 Member
    Sounds Kinda selfish your missing out on 10.5 hrs of your toddlers life everyday and you are concerned on when you can workout
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    It is so hard when kids are young. My kids are in HS now (my oldest graduates next Friday!), but it can still be difficult to get motivated to go when you have to get them up in the morning, make dinner, etc... During the school year, I go after work. I absolutely hate it, but my kids sleep through their alarm clocks. During the summer or when the kids have off, I go at 5:30 in the morning. I love it because it energizes me for the day and I get to go home right after work. best of luck to you!
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
    I have a six year old and 8 month old, I usually take my eldest school then go for a 30-60min walk whilst abt sleeps in the pram, then I do 30mi exercise DVD once I have got my eldest from school
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Mom of two kids here: boy who is 4, girl who is 12 (going into 8th grade). Luckily sometimes i can go for a quick jog for 30 min around our long block (the full block is a half a mile so i just run around it for 30 minutes) while the kids are locked up in the house but i dont always do that. In fact, maybe twice a month.
    work mon-fri (gone out of house from 7am to 6pm).
    Rush home - feed the kids, turn around go back to gym (but only do this twice a week).
    then on other days i rush home after work, feed the kids and then do an at home work out (I.E. - Shaun T hip hop abs video) or i'll do my own calisthenics routine for about 30 minutes. Yes i dont get done until 9 or 10pm but this is life.
    If i only squeeze in 2-3 work out routines during week days, i'll make sure i am at the gym Saturday morning.
    I also find the time for at minimum two jogging sessions each week....
    My boyfriend works late evenings so i'm always with the kids every afternoon after work.

    its manageable.....
    it sucks......
    but its definitely manageable..
  • Dawnmw13
    Dawnmw13 Posts: 1 Member
    I work full-time. I walk for 30 mins at work everyday. I work at a Continuing Care Retirement Community in Catonsville, MD. A co-worker & I walk around the community up to 4 days a week. It's approximately a mile & a half. It's a great workout. The other night my son & I walked a mile & a half around where we live in Glen Burnie, MD. He rode his bike actually & I walked. I am going to do a 5K in the fall.
  • movu101779
    movu101779 Posts: 27
    I have a VERY busy 3 year old. What him and I do is spurts of running around the house. I run in place in a room where he can't see me for a bit. Then I come out to where he is and once he sees me he runs (or chases) me. He has fun & I get to get a workout in. Also, get a fun CD for you and the kid(s) to listen to and dance to. Another way they have fun and you get to get a workout in.. Best of all you are spending time with you kid(s).
  • die2fat4love
    die2fat4love Posts: 149 Member
    I have a two year old, four year old, nine year old, and a 16 year old. I work out with them...we play soccer, basketball, jump rope, hula hoop. I find ways to get my heart rate up and get a good workout in while we are playing. I also do 6am hot yoga twice a week and am home before the oldest heads off to school. Once a week I get to go to a real gym while the kids have grandma time. I find the best workouts are the ones that I can do with my kids...funny as all get out to watch my 2 year old do yoga :-)

    I work 50+ hours a week as well and this is how I can make it work right now.