Birth Control Suggestions



  • SidsMom80
    SidsMom80 Posts: 97 Member
    I was on Depo Provera for years and loved it. I recently switched to Mirena because long term Depo can lead to bone loss. I like the Mirena bc no dr visits, no period, and its good for 5 years.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Tubes tied and all is fantastic :)
  • KaydeForce
    KaydeForce Posts: 96 Member
    Just a warning too, some pills have such low estrogen amounts that if you forget one pill, you're screwed. My sister missed one pill due to being ill and ended up pregnant.
    That should not be a novelty to women who take the pill. Of course missing one pill (or taking it more than 8-10 hours too late) will make you available for pregnancy for the rest of the cycle. Reading the fine print should explain this and your doctor obviously should mention this as well...
    Also: taking antibiotics will counteract your pill, and obviously vomiting or diarrhea within a few hours of taking it will do the same...
  • Livingdeadgirl44
    Livingdeadgirl44 Posts: 264 Member
    Wow there are a lot of brands out there in the US aren't there? Wonder if we have that many here in the UK. I guess I've been lucky but I asked to go on the pill 14 years ago, was put on Microgynon 30 and have never had any problems with it since!
  • Gmtribble90
    Gmtribble90 Posts: 463 Member
    I say NO to Nuvaring. I was on it and gained weight. Also, many women still get pregnant while on it.

    Like another poster, I prefer Yaz. I was on it at one time and had absolutely no issues at all.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I have Mirena (iud) and havne't had that much luck with it. Sure it WORKS. But it has my body so confused lol. I have to work SO HARD to lose weight and my cycles are messed up and my sex drive is GONE. So sure it works, because you don't want to have sex anymore! lol I'm considering getting a tubal in the fall so I can get this dang coil out!
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    Wait, so why isn't an IUD covered? It doesn't count as a prescription drug? That's some arbitrary insurance you've got there if that's the case. It requires a prescription to get. Maybe double-check on that one? I have insurance that covered nearly all my IUD under the prescription drug benefits section. I have the Mirena and loooooooove it. Best birth control I've ever had - minimal to no periods, I don't have to worry about taking it every day at the same time, it's as effective as a tubal ligation, and it lasts for YEARS. Only downside so far is that after I had it inserted I had mild cramps for a couple of weeks, which may not have even been due to the IUD (might've been due to the procedure I had right before I had that inserted).

    And I didn't pay full price, but if I did, it would've worked out to $6.67 a month.

    I had Mirena twice. Both times it slipped inside me and tore my uterine wall, causing me horrible cramps and having to endure getting it taken out. I now have scarring on my uterus and had 2 miscarriages. I would be very careful getting this.
    I now have Nexplenon which is an implant in my arm. I just got it and just started my first TOM since I got it a couple weeks ago, so we will see how I like it. Depo caused me to bleed for 40 days straight, and I don't trust myself with pills. If this doesn't work, I'm going to abstinence!! (okay maybe not, but I feel this is my last real option). I didn't like Nuva ring, only because inserting and taking it out was gross, and it always moved around and popped out.
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    I have always had problems w/the pills and I had an IUD put in in 2010 and I have had no problems with it. The lack of sex drive turned out to be from another drug so I'm happy with that too. I have heard of ladies having problems and my best friends insurance won't cover it but after the law suits and horrors of Yaz I don't think I would go that route.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I LOVE my bc. I'm on Norethindrone, or "the mini pill". My Dr. prescribed it 6 weeks after I had my son, because is wouldn't interfere with my milk production. I continued to stay on it even after I stopped breastfeeding, and it has been AWESOME. First of all, I have had exactly THREE periods in the past 17 months. They just stopped, which I am NOT going to complain about. :) I have no mood swings and no weight gain. I would recommend it to anyone.
  • JankaLee
    JankaLee Posts: 35 Member
    Well I guess the most important question would be are you on OCPs for actual birth control or a medical condition? That should be the deciding factor. I was on OCPs for simply birth control for 5 years. When I lived in Canada I was on Yaz and when I moved to the US they put me on OrthoTricyclen and then Seasonique. Yaz for me was okay, the others made me a hormonal mess. I lost my sex drive, and although they managed my periods and acne nicely that wasn't enough for me to stay on it. Now, we use condoms and it is great. Haven't had a single issue and although my periods are now heavier my marriage is better. Which to me is well worth a couple of days of hell :)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Consider yourself lucky that IUD is out! I had the worst time with Mirena, it caused a lot of issues for me. I was almost unable to get pregnant again due to cysts.
    There's always the OTHER IUD.

    And I agree, if you're in the U.S. an IUD should be covered...
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I am on the generic version of Ortho Cyclen.

    So far for the past 11 months it has worked for me. I am afraid that if I do off My PCOS will come back.

    Other than it made me losing weight harder,
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I'm one of the women who got a blood clot from the pill-scariest thing in my life and it also cost us over $2,000 out of pocket for medical costs, which was just our portion on the bills-insurance picked up the rest (started at med center and was told to rush to the ER=U/S and meds + 5 doctor visits + another U/S + more meds and then a third U/S). Plus two weeks of bed rest and my husband had to take unpaid time off of work to help with our kids.

    I'd look into non-bc pill options.
  • dinamadden
    dinamadden Posts: 16
    i'm on the pill Brenda 35 ED (juliet) and it makes you gain boob weight (up to 2kg/4lb each boob), but i haven't had too many issues by way of weight gain, however Levlen ED made me retain fluid, and affected my mood; therefore what i ate...
  • dinamadden
    dinamadden Posts: 16
    DO NOT GO ON THE ROD/IMPLANON/STICK. makes you gain weight like crazy, wrecks your cycle and makes you depressed. not worth it.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    DO NOT GO ON THE ROD/IMPLANON/STICK. makes you gain weight like crazy, wrecks your cycle and makes you depressed. not worth it.

    I am on my third Implanon implant, I didn't gain any weight from it, I have only had a couple of periods on it - as I have had them changed over, which to me is a good thing, and I have had mental health issues with and without the implant :laugh:

    Everyone's body reacts differently to different hormones, I can't go back on the pill due to my reaction to it, and Implanon seemed like the best fit for me - once it is in you don't have to worry about it, fertility goes back to normal as soon as it is removed etc.
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    I went to Kaiser to get my prescription filled and was shocked when the lady told me it was free, due to Obama, because it was birth control. Was on the pill before called levora, but it is no longer on the Kasier formulary so I was put on Zovia. I was on bc pills from 17 to 25, I wanted to try something new so I went on the mirena even though I have never had kids before the doctor said it was okay for me. well while on it for 5 years I had no sex drive, gained 50 lbs and my acne would never clear. I have been off of it for 5 days now and it messes you up pretty make sure if you choose this you are prepared for what happens when you decide to have it removed for good. The first 2 days were fine, but the past 3 have been problems sleeping, emotional for no reason. constant stomach pain and off and on bleeding. And i was told it takes a while for the body to regulate itself so the birth control is supposed to help regulate it faster, plus I am still not ready to have kids. Everybody is different and what works for one person might not work for another, but everyone I know who has used the mirena for at least 4 years..regrets it now.
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    I was on the Depo (progestin-only) for the longest time, but after a while it made me incredibly depressed. I fell into a lot of bad habits (eating for comfort), which caused me to gain a lot of weight and put me at the highest I've ever been.

    I REALLY don't recommend it. I know someone on here had a positive experience with it, but there's a reason the Depo has been used as a form of chemical castration. It lowers the sex drive, and it'll make you feel awful if you take it long enough.

    After I stopped the Depo injections, it took me some months to feel normal again. Now I'm on the combined pill, and I feel a lot better on it.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    At the end of the day all medication you put into your body comes with a risk. Yes yaz and dianette (Diane 35) have a greater risk of blood clots specifically- so if you have family history that means you have an increased risk of blood clots perhaps they should be avoided.

    I'm sure that whatever contraception option you look up their will have people suffering the negative consequences of taking these drugs. The coil and depo come to mind, as two forms of contraception that some people have had awful reactions too, and yet some people rave about them.

    No one is really in a position to recommend any kind of medication to you without knowing your full medical history. It is something to discuss with medical professionals only, and I personally would get a 2nd opinion. Make sure you discuss the side effects fully with your doctor.

    Good luck.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member