Health Coach and Personal Training Certificates

So in October is when I began my Weight loss journey and lost 75 lbs... i went from 205-207 lbs to now 135... it has been such an amazing feeling! I have lived in 3 states in the past 3 years which has put me off track in finishing college classes... i also have changed my major about 4 times... but i am so passionate now about health and fitness i think i want to get my certificates in personal training and health coach through ACE. i myself would love to learn more about nutrition and exercise and then use my knowledge to better myself and help others!

what do you guys think?! think im crazy for finding such a love and passion for fitness and health just after 8 months?! i really feel like i would love it!!!

any feed back would be great! :D
here are some of the results i got on my own!n0fobm98oqyg.jpg


  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    If that is your passion, then I'd say pursue it. You can always finish college later if you decide to follow another path.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    edited June 2015
    It's a great profession if you're able to follow through. Just understand that the passion you have for it WON'T be shared by the majority of people you workout with. That's usually going to be the reason why you end up working out with them in the first place because if they had passion for it, they probably wouldn't need your help.
    Most clients will hire you for weight loss to get ready for an event, or just so that they can be taught to workout. You will get clients that stick with you for a long time (I have a couple of them now that won't likely step foot in the gym UNLESS they are coming to see me for a session), but the majority of your clients will be short term (1-3 months or less). So that means you WILL have to learn how to be good at sales. Especially if the sessions you sell are $60 an hour more. For many that's 10 sessions, training 2 times a week at the cost of $600 for 5 weeks. This is where I see people with certs fail. They may know how to train, but CAN'T get anybody to train with them. Consequently, they only do it part time and may end up with just 1-3 clients a week while trying to hold down another full time job, since 1-3 clients a week MAY (may be less) only net you $120 in income for that week. And then of course you want to get in your gym time and if you're in a committed relationship, you've got to balance that out too.
    So just be sure that it's something that you're committed to. I'll be the first to tell you that you will get A LOT more rejections from people on training and that it takes a minimum of about 3 months for a beginning PT to build a decent clientele if the facility they work at has a good system to build off of. If not (and many require you to self generate), it may take even longer.

    Just want you to understand that just because you've been successful at doing it, and may have good knowledge, actually doing it for a living and creating income from it isn't as easy as it seems.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • griersonwedding2015
    griersonwedding2015 Posts: 38 Member
    @ninerbuff thank you so much for the reply! i really am committed to this! i have worked sales before and im a very out going person!! i understand clients won't have s passion for it which is why they need a trainer. but I want to share my passion with people who will benefit from it!! do you have any other suggestions?! do you enjoy it? id love to talk to you more about it if possible!!
  • sscardina01
    sscardina01 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm doing the same thing. I've begun my certification thru NASM. I still have a ways to go; however, I feel like I can use my own experience to change mindsets of others and help them realize they too can do it.

    Good for you @griersonwedding2015! :)
  • griersonwedding2015
    griersonwedding2015 Posts: 38 Member
    good for you too!!! congrats for us going after goals!
  • griersonwedding2015
    griersonwedding2015 Posts: 38 Member