I am loosing inches BUT NOT WEIGHT, need help!



  • DamoniqueW
    DamoniqueW Posts: 147 Member
    This totally makes me want to throw my scale in the trash and only use a tape measure from now on. It's good to know this is normal as I've felt a little down lately, but I have hope. Scales are bad..lol
  • Jennifera714
    Were in a work competition 8 weeks grand prize... $ ..... to whomever looses the most. 6 girls involved total.
  • Nufraser
    Nufraser Posts: 87 Member
    So glad someone posted about this. I am completely obsessed with my scale and weigh almost everyday. I've only been logging regularly for 5 days (off & on before) but I somehow feel at least half of a lb should show up. Relieved to see that it may take (sometimes) up to a month, before the scale moves. Will get my tape measure out today and start tracking.

    Thanks to OP and to all the encouraging responses!