What motivated you to start your fitness journey?



  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I'm tired of being chubby.

    I once had the kind of body that made men run into things or start cursing under their breaths when I wore a bikini. I'm not doing it for THEM or for anyone's approval, but I want to look in the mirror again and go "Helllll, yeaaaahhh." :) Why SHOULDN'T I have an awesome body? It's the only one I'm going to get.

    I'm sick of settling. No more. Not on anything that matters.
  • ChiffonLaRue14
    ChiffonLaRue14 Posts: 40 Member
    I have been big most of my life and as much as people had often ridiculed me for it, I never gave a rat's *kitten*. My longtime partner is a licensed scuba diver and a trained 42k marathoner, even that did not inspire me lol, I was always enjoying cheering him on from the sidelines. My measurements 5 feet 8 inches tall and 235 lbs is considered abnormally gigantic where I'm from lol. I did my best to not let my being fat emotionally scar me. Difficult quest but I had succeeded at a lot of things from my double-major Bachelor's to my Law Degree. Healthwise, I did not suffer from any ailments. I was/am just FAT. My Italian/Spanish-Filipino heritage bolstered my love for eating great food!

    It finally hit me when our only child turned 18. I began to worry that my being overweight will finally get the best of me and I won't be around long enough to see him succeed further in life. That and diabetes as well as a lot of weight-related ailments run in my family. I am 37 lbs down and still got a long way to go but I am having tons of fun! Best of luck to all of us :)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Oh, so many times in my life my journey "started" or was inspired to get back on track.
    My love of running started as a small child saying, "Dad, I'll race you up the hill" (to our house)
    Then in 7th grade, I took the presidents fitness test and could only do 2 pull ups (my weakest event)
    Then as an adult I reached a point where I hit 197 and I was NOT going to crack the 200 lbs mark.
    Then when I rekindled my love for running, getting in shape for other adventures, I had too much excess. Carrying around 15 extra pounds was no fun running all those miles.