Can I lose weight by diet alone ?



  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited June 2015
    OP, I'm a mom of 3 kids and yes, I lost almost 60lbs without ANY exercise at all-just ate at an appropriate weekly calorie deficit. I also had glucose numbers in the pre-diabetic range and losing the weight stabilized my number (last fasting glucose test was an 86).

  • hannahkingfitness
    hannahkingfitness Posts: 51 Member
    edited June 2015
    A woman of your size needs to eat at least 1200 calories a day of whole healthy foods. At a certain point you will need to exercise but for the moment you will be able to lose weight from changing your diet.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Having four young children *is* exercise, my dear! ;)

    To reiterate, no, you don't have to exercise to lose weight. But it's very important that you feed yourself properly. If MFP has set your calories to 1300, that's what you should stick to. 1000 is much too low.

    As your weight drops, you will need to recalculate your MFP allotment occasionally (usually every 10 lbs) since the less you weigh, the lower your caloric intake needs to be in order to continue losing weight.

    If you don't already have one, get a food scale and weigh everything you eat. Because without that, you're pretty much guaranteed to be inaccurate as far as how much you're eating. And this becomes increasingly important as you lose weight because the margin for error shrinks as you do. :)

  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    mrshazia wrote: »
    No my doctor is adamant that I have diabetes and without the medicine my blood sugar will never stabilise
    But last month after controlling my blood sugar with diet alone I showed her the results and she said to eat atleast half the dose of glybeuride just to be on the safe side. I am still not eating it. Still trying to control with diet.
    I don't know if it is correct. But I want to still try by losing my excess weight and eating right. I want to excercise too but I have not been able to find some time to do that.

    If you are unsure if you are diabetic or prediabetic could you ask for a second opinion? An endocrinologist would be good to ask.
  • mrshazia
    mrshazia Posts: 29 Member
    Having four young children *is* exercise, my dear! ;)

    To reiterate, no, you don't have to exercise to lose weight. But it's very important that you feed yourself properly. If MFP has set your calories to 1300, that's what you should stick to. 1000 is much too low.

    As your weight drops, you will need to recalculate your MFP allotment occasionally (usually every 10 lbs) since the less you weigh, the lower your caloric intake needs to be in order to continue losing weight.

    If you don't already have one, get a food scale and weigh everything you eat. Because without that, you're pretty much guaranteed to be inaccurate as far as how much you're eating. And this becomes increasingly important as you lose weight because the margin for error shrinks as you do. :)

    Thank you so much for your response

    I am weighing everything I eat. Sometimes I indulge :( But 95% of the times in the month I try to eat healthy and whole like salad fish brown rice etc.
  • mrshazia
    mrshazia Posts: 29 Member
    On Monday is my monthly appointment and I will check my weight and update. I am going to have my 3 hr glucose test too
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    mrshazia wrote: »
    On Monday is my monthly appointment and I will check my weight and update. I am going to have my 3 hr glucose test too

    Ah, the lovely oral glucose test, good times :p
  • mrshazia
    mrshazia Posts: 29 Member
    mrshazia wrote: »
    On Monday is my monthly appointment and I will check my weight and update. I am going to have my 3 hr glucose test too

    Ah, the lovely oral glucose test, good times :p

    I just hope the results are normal :(
  • mrshazia
    mrshazia Posts: 29 Member
    mrshazia wrote: »
    On Monday is my monthly appointment and I will check my weight and update. I am going to have my 3 hr glucose test too

    Ah, the lovely oral glucose test, good times :p

    I read your profile. Inspiring!!!!!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited June 2015
    mrshazia wrote: »
    Thank you everyone!

    My kids are 6 , 5, 2 and 1

    I am mobile throughout the day and whenever I get some time I wish to sleep or to rest. I wake up sometimes during the night for attending to smaller kids.

    MFP has set 1300 calories as my goal. I sometimes eat more than 1000 cals. I am trying to eat more eggs , fish, milk and other sources of protein. I am not sure how much it is helping.

    I will definitely try to include a little bit of workout into my busy schedule.

    Sounds like you set your goals to lose the max 2 pounds a week? Many people find this too aggressive. Do eat at least your full 1300 calories.

    Eating more protein and veggies has helped me stay satisfied.

  • mrshazia
    mrshazia Posts: 29 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Losing weight is a mental game: Change your mind. Change your body. Diet alone won't help you keep off the weight you lose. I understand you have limited time for yourself, but seeing that you are doing this program (MFP) for your husband sends red flags up for me. I was at 265 in 2009 and my husband said, "you look bad". I took it to heart and I just didn't explode and yell some quip at him. My brain heard it. So I had joined Jenny Craig. I lost weight, but I didn't LEARN anything. I learned that it was bloody expensive though haha. Until I realized that the only person I am losing some weight for is me, not my sons, not my husband, then I truely understood. So you learn not to settle. You learn that sometimes you need your time, even with 4 kids. If your husband is willing, let him watch the clan, and you go and walk. I have realized that I have to lose each and every oze I lose in my HEAD first, before it can truely stay off my body for good. Good luck and happy logging!

    Hi Ann
    Yes I want to lose weight for my husband. Because he keeps telling me that all my problems are related to my weight. And he was sadly right about it. When I got married I was 111 kgs. He never said anything to me nor told me to lose weight. I was happy. But over time he realised that I am indulging myself in food and most of the times very unhealthy foods like loads of fries and white rice. He was very concerned for my health. So he finally told me after 7 years that I just have to lose weight. Just to be healthy and he feels that I am the backbone of the family. If something ever happens to me like diabetes arthritis heart disease etc, he tells me that the family will not be able to take it. He has just started supporting me in my weight loss journey by giving me nice tips. Earlier he never did that thinking I was not serious enough to lose weight. He is also my inspiration as he himself keeps himself very healthy. I look at him everyday to remind me that I have someone to live for. I have someone to be healthy for. I have someone who will love me no matter what my weight is. Hence, the weight loss journey for my husband. :)
    ( haaahhhhhhh after so many yrs have I said so much about myself Thanks). Jenny Craig.... I joined it too when I was in Australia. It worked like hell. I lost weight. But I never knew what she used to talk about like 14000 kj etc. But It was sooooo expensive. Spending over 150$ for just yourself on food was a nice blow to the pocket :D
  • amycuz14
    amycuz14 Posts: 41 Member
    I admire all moms who are working hard at this while having lots of little ones underfoot. I absolutely couldn't get to the gym or a class, and every time I tried a dvd some kind of chaos broke loose LOL! I just started doing little things - push-ups against the kitchen counter when I was cooking supper, squats while I was pushing kids on the swing (yes I looked like an idiot, who cares!), sit ups while having my kiddos practice their reading to me. I don't know if those small things helped with weight lose, but I gained strength and physically felt a lot better - and was able to keep up with the littles better! Good luck :)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    mrshazia wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    Losing weight is a mental game: Change your mind. Change your body. Diet alone won't help you keep off the weight you lose. I understand you have limited time for yourself, but seeing that you are doing this program (MFP) for your husband sends red flags up for me. I was at 265 in 2009 and my husband said, "you look bad". I took it to heart and I just didn't explode and yell some quip at him. My brain heard it. So I had joined Jenny Craig. I lost weight, but I didn't LEARN anything. I learned that it was bloody expensive though haha. Until I realized that the only person I am losing some weight for is me, not my sons, not my husband, then I truely understood. So you learn not to settle. You learn that sometimes you need your time, even with 4 kids. If your husband is willing, let him watch the clan, and you go and walk. I have realized that I have to lose each and every oze I lose in my HEAD first, before it can truely stay off my body for good. Good luck and happy logging!

    Hi Ann
    Yes I want to lose weight for my husband. Because he keeps telling me that all my problems are related to my weight. And he was sadly right about it. When I got married I was 111 kgs. He never said anything to me nor told me to lose weight. I was happy. But over time he realised that I am indulging myself in food and most of the times very unhealthy foods like loads of fries and white rice. He was very concerned for my health. So he finally told me after 7 years that I just have to lose weight. Just to be healthy and he feels that I am the backbone of the family. If something ever happens to me like diabetes arthritis heart disease etc, he tells me that the family will not be able to take it. He has just started supporting me in my weight loss journey by giving me nice tips. Earlier he never did that thinking I was not serious enough to lose weight. He is also my inspiration as he himself keeps himself very healthy. I look at him everyday to remind me that I have someone to live for. I have someone to be healthy for. I have someone who will love me no matter what my weight is. Hence, the weight loss journey for my husband. :)

    That someone is you, hon, not your husband.

    This is truly one of those journeys you have to do for yourself, first and foremost. That everyone else in the family will benefit too, is simply bonus points. :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    mrshazia - here's something you can work into your day: 28-Day Squat Challenge. I have knee issues so just did five at a time throughout the day. I didn't make it the whole 28 days, but think I will give it another shot.

    I’m a huge fan of bodyweight exercises for the reason that you can use them for a great workout anywhere. And perhaps the king of all bodyweight exercises, is the squat. Squats are awesome because they provide a great workout for multiple muscle groups, including the butt, thighs, and core.

    ...Instead, the focus should be on fewer, quality reps that get tougher over time (like using heavier weights in the gym). I decided to use this principle to create a different kind of squat challenge that will give you the best possible chance of safely getting a toned butt and thighs, along with improving your technique. Here’s how it works:
    • You will do a different squat variation each week for a month. The variations get more difficult as the month progresses.
    • Each day has a target number or reps for which you should aim. You can do them all in one go or spread them out throughout the day.
    • If you fail to reach the target number of reps with perfect form you must go back to the beginning of that 7 day period.
    • You may not have heard of each variation, so how to do them properly is explained below.
    This is the beginner challenge. Once you have mastered the basic bodyweight squat there are two more challenges for intermediate and advanced squatters that you can find on Travel Strong.
  • amazinglyjae
    amazinglyjae Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 5'6 and 186lbs, currently averaging 1500 calories a day, while losing 1-2lbs a week with little to no physical activity. I try to walk everywhere and make sure I use stairs as much as possible, but I live in a major city, so this is easy for me. I tried the 1000-1200 calorie thing and always felt tired or really wanted to binge eat. I wasn't losing much when I restricted my calories, but now I feel so much better. I eat EVERYTHING I want to eat, all while making sure it fits my calories for the day. I cheat every Saturday by going over sometimes 500-1000 calories for the day, and STILL see losses. At my highest, I was 245, started MFP at 220 and I'll say I've been doing pretty well. Just rejoined over a month ago and I'm down 17lbs. Mostly water weight, but I'm still down. It's possible, just stay motivated.
  • mrshazia
    mrshazia Posts: 29 Member
    mrshazia wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    Losing weight is a mental game: Change your mind. Change your body. Diet alone won't help you keep off the weight you lose. I understand you have limited time for yourself, but seeing that you are doing this program (MFP) for your husband sends red flags up for me. I was at 265 in 2009 and my husband said, "you look bad". I took it to heart and I just didn't explode and yell some quip at him. My brain heard it. So I had joined Jenny Craig. I lost weight, but I didn't LEARN anything. I learned that it was bloody expensive though haha. Until I realized that the only person I am losing some weight for is me, not my sons, not my husband, then I truely understood. So you learn not to settle. You learn that sometimes you need your time, even with 4 kids. If your husband is willing, let him watch the clan, and you go and walk. I have realized that I have to lose each and every oze I lose in my HEAD first, before it can truely stay off my body for good. Good luck and happy logging!

    Hi Ann
    Yes I want to lose weight for my husband. Because he keeps telling me that all my problems are related to my weight. And he was sadly right about it. When I got married I was 111 kgs. He never said anything to me nor told me to lose weight. I was happy. But over time he realised that I am indulging myself in food and most of the times very unhealthy foods like loads of fries and white rice. He was very concerned for my health. So he finally told me after 7 years that I just have to lose weight. Just to be healthy and he feels that I am the backbone of the family. If something ever happens to me like diabetes arthritis heart disease etc, he tells me that the family will not be able to take it. He has just started supporting me in my weight loss journey by giving me nice tips. Earlier he never did that thinking I was not serious enough to lose weight. He is also my inspiration as he himself keeps himself very healthy. I look at him everyday to remind me that I have someone to live for. I have someone to be healthy for. I have someone who will love me no matter what my weight is. Hence, the weight loss journey for my husband. :)

    That someone is you, hon, not your husband.

    This is truly one of those journeys you have to do for yourself, first and foremost. That everyone else in the family will benefit too, is simply bonus points. :)

    Yesssssss Meeee first!!!! Then everyone else comes next :p . It is ironic how women always keep the people they love first in line so involuntarily. but high time. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :p
  • mrshazia
    mrshazia Posts: 29 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    mrshazia - here's something you can work into your day: 28-Day Squat Challenge. I have knee issues so just did five at a time throughout the day. I didn't make it the whole 28 days, but think I will give it another shot.

    I’m a huge fan of bodyweight exercises for the reason that you can use them for a great workout anywhere. And perhaps the king of all bodyweight exercises, is the squat. Squats are awesome because they provide a great workout for multiple muscle groups, including the butt, thighs, and core.

    ...Instead, the focus should be on fewer, quality reps that get tougher over time (like using heavier weights in the gym). I decided to use this principle to create a different kind of squat challenge that will give you the best possible chance of safely getting a toned butt and thighs, along with improving your technique. Here’s how it works:
    • You will do a different squat variation each week for a month. The variations get more difficult as the month progresses.
    • Each day has a target number or reps for which you should aim. You can do them all in one go or spread them out throughout the day.
    • If you fail to reach the target number of reps with perfect form you must go back to the beginning of that 7 day period.
    • You may not have heard of each variation, so how to do them properly is explained below.
    This is the beginner challenge. Once you have mastered the basic bodyweight squat there are two more challenges for intermediate and advanced squatters that you can find on Travel Strong.
    Thank you. I am going to look into it really seriously. And the shred too
  • kellyjerry
    kellyjerry Posts: 1 Member
    you need to see a Dietician who will explain how your body uses the food you consume and how the medication you are supposed to take will help. Your blood sugar levels are high in the morning because you are not eating enough, you should probably have a small meal at night before you go to bed. If you do not get your fasting blood sugar levels down you will find it very hard to lose weight
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I have 3. Make them work out, too!