Starting life over at 59

MyFightSong Posts: 5 Member
edited November 19 in Introduce Yourself
I thought of writing you all a novella for my intro, but it's just too damn painful, too new and bloody raw to put into words. So here it is in a nutshell:

59. Fat. Disabled. Depressed. That's what thirteen years of 'marriage' to a sweet-talking, duplicitous control freak will do to you. Then one cold morning it's--BAM!--a swift, mean kick to your gut, one so hard and unforgiving that even 80 lbs. of protective insulation won't stop the heart-wrenching pain or the crashing reality of what you've allowed yourself to become: Wholly, utterly, pathetically dependent on another, lesser being. I want my life, my health, my dignity, my pride ... back. It's mine and I'm taking it. My fight for self-reclamation starts today. Anyone here who can relate, please join me. We can do this!


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