Hi all =)

GettingHealthyWithShelly Posts: 23 Member
edited June 2015 in Introduce Yourself
A little about me:
I'm a 36 year old mum, with a 4 year old son, I live in Canberra Australia. October 13th 2008 - July 13th 2009 I had lost a total of 50 kgs (110 lbs) (Starting weight : 140 kgs [308 lbs]) with only 20 kg (44 lbs) left before I reached my goal weight of 65 kg (143.3 lbs). In December of 2009 I found out I was pregnant and during the pregnancy I put on all the weight again. My son, was born August 2010, in May of 2012 I became a single mum and haven't been able to get the weight off since. Recently I have been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis and so after investing in a good pair of running shoes, I bought myself a fitbit (Zip) and have decided that it's now time again to lose all the weight (a total of 74 kgs [163 lbs]), get healthy and be a great person and mum.

I am a Full time mother
I am a Part time university student
I am a Casual worker in a supermarket.

I love making friends, so please feel free to add me =)