Hello, I am new here

Thanks for the opportunity to discuss diet and exercise.

When I got married 14 years ago I weighed about 200lbs which is definitely over weight for 5' 11" but I was OK with it, I just didn't want to gain more. But despite regularly stepping on the scale, I gained weight over the years and in 2014 I topped out at 254 lbs, which is well into the obese category.

last year I went on a diet and got down to 203 lbs, and I decided once again I was OK with it, but I just didn't want to gain any back.

but you know what...I am not OK. my children run, and I have been running 5k's, and for every 10 lbs of fat, you lose a minute in your 5k time. I will not be great at 5ks being this far into the overweight category. For my height normal weight is 135 to 175 lbs. and elite runners will stay in the low range of that...140 lbs. because as long as you are a healthy weight, the lighter weight is an advantage in distance running.

I am at 206 lbs today. I am running with essentially a 50 lb. disadvantage...a good runner would have to tie. 50 lb. sack of flour on their back to have the same disadvantage. This is unacceptable. I am going to lose this weight and stop thinking of myself as fat. Normal weight, here I come :)


  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Good luck then! You can do it, just do it one day at a time :)