Keep gaining weight

:'( even when I think I'm doing well, I get on the scale and I've gained more weight. I've been diagnosed with charcot marie tooth disease a couple years ago. In the past 5 years I have gained almost 60 pounds. Between the loss of activity and the side effects from the various useless medications I've tried, it just seems useless. The sad thing is that the excessive weight is making my neuromuscular disease worse. It's a vicious cycle. With my sedentary lifestyle I should only eat 1200 calories per day but sitting home all day is boring. Has anyone had an illness that continued to weight gain and if so, has anything helped?


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I'm not in the same position, but know how you feel in terms of eating out of boredom.

    Is there anything you can do that will take your mind off food? Keep your mind busy? If I plan and prep meals to fit my requirements, and set meal times, I find I can usually keep myself busy in between!
  • discretekim
    discretekim Posts: 314 Member
    I'm sorry. I know it can feel like you are stuck but you aren't. Once you start to lose you will realize it is possible. I've felt like that before. I have chronic pain but no disease but there are many people on here that do and are doing great. I would say start small. Maybe aim for 1500 a day at first. This is what I do most days and it isn't too bad. Find other things to occupy you during the day. Maybe go for walks or whatever type of exercise you can manage. This is possible but it takes time. If you start small you will see what you can do.
  • belleamore1234
    belleamore1234 Posts: 105 Member
    There are literally thousands of exercises you can do at home without the need for any equipment
  • mamafattynomore
    mamafattynomore Posts: 5 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thanks everyone. I was a gym fanatic in the past and loved running on a treadmill and doing elliptical. I wish I still could. I can ride my stationary bike and I do...but i can barely use any resistance. My disease is a form of muscular dystrophy so i have very little leg strength....I'm going to keep trying to push myself a little more each day. Thank u for the words of motivation.