Calorie counting during shift work: nights and swings

Anyone else have weird work and sleep shifts that make calorie tracking a little awkward? For example, I work 13 hour night shifts 3-4 days a week with no particular pattern; in between are what I call 'transition' days in which I am sleeping weird times to put myself in work-mode or 'normal/day' mode. For example, last night I went to sleep at 1 am and woke up at 6 am, I'll go back to sleep around noon to 'transition' and then wake up at 1800. Everything from 1800 until noonish (or bedtime) tomorrow, I will count as the 'day' of the 12th. I will do the same for the 13th. The problem is that weird 6ish hour transition period in the morning before I get my 'night's' sleep. I will probably eat 300ish calories in that period (usually paired with some kind of exercise) and I am not entirely sure when I should document it; keep it on the actual day-of, add it to the day before, or split the difference. I've been splitting the difference. I've tried other sleep/wake patterns, but I end up exhausted and eat more to compensate. Transitioning to 'days' is a little easier; I'll sleep as soon as I get home (9 or 10) until 1500; everything I consume before 9 am goes on the 'day' before and everything from 1500-bedtime goes on the day-of. It makes those transition days look very calorie deficit, though. Any methods working for you guys?


  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    I used to work like that but not anymore.

    I suggest you decide on a day period that works best for your crazy schedule the majority of the time. Then try to stick to that regardless of when you actually work and sleep. It is perfectly fine to eat dinner at 6 am and lunch at midnight.
  • Daisies4Days
    Daisies4Days Posts: 76 Member
    Hi there! I work swing shift (just left the vampire shift), so I understand your frustration. I just counted everything within that 24 hour window. I didn't really agonize about naming my meals- lunch had to be around noon (I was usually sleeping at that point). If I work over till 0300, I count anything from midnight till 0300 for that calendar day. Makes life easier... At least for the food tracking. Sleep, not so much
  • StereophoneyGaz
    StereophoneyGaz Posts: 406 Member
    I work lots of random shifts too, I just stick to a 24 hr period, I've renamed my meals, am, pm, main meal etc and I go from midnight to midnight
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    edited June 2015
    I work nights (6:45 pm-8 am). I just document food on the actual day I eat it and add it to whatever the closest meal is. As long as it's documented it doesn't matter what your meal is called, I mean who really cares. Half the time I document stuff as snacks. Documenting food on the actual day I eat it just makes it easier for me. Less guess work.

    Edit: and maybe I'm the only one but i find it incredibly easy to lose weight working nights since I sleep at weird times. I usually go for a run or the gym right after work. Small snack, shower. Wake up at 4-5 pm eat dinner and off to work. I don't sit around at work eating because I'm way to busy. I eat a protein bar at 9 pm and usually 1 serving of a higher fat food like nuts, and maybe something small at 2-3 am if I'm still hungry.
  • StereophoneyGaz
    StereophoneyGaz Posts: 406 Member
    hekla90 wrote: »
    I work nights (6:45 pm-8 am). I just document food on the actual day I eat it and add it to whatever the closest meal is. As long as it's documented it doesn't matter what your meal is called, I mean who really cares. Half the time I document stuff as snacks. Documenting food on the actual day I eat it just makes it easier for me. Less guess work.

    ^^ Exactly what I do too :)
  • icedcupcake1981
    icedcupcake1981 Posts: 16 Member
    I work both day and night shifts and stick to a 24 hour period as I find it works best for me. The only thing I struggle with is the day I finish nights as I always feel really hungry and stuggle to keep within my calorie limit.
  • lukos05
    lukos05 Posts: 39 Member
    Story of my life: make something more complicated than it is! Rewriting my calories now. Thanks, guys!!