Inspiration for others and myself

I have had a really tough time getting back on track since my second son was born 2 years ago. Then I met Jake (new sales guy at my job) and Ashley (admin at my sons new academy).

Jake weighed over 450lbs and used MFP long with exercise to get back on track. He has lost 250lbs and is doing great.

Ashley over the past year and a half lost 71lbs using MFP. It was really nice to meet some local MFPers that have gone to battle with their weight and have lost so much. I feel like I have a new look on things.

Jake is awesome to talk to since he really understands everything I am going through down to the last chocolate chip. I don't know if this helps anyone, but I wanted to pass it along to those who are struggling. It can be done, it has been done and you can do it.