Losing weight too fast?

Whenever I tell my family this they kind of scof at me and roll their eyes. But I feel like I'm losing weight way too fast. I've lost 14 pounds in 7 weeks. Which may be okay if I was in the 300s or 200s but I'm not. I started at 134 and am down to 120 (I'm 5'0,22,F).

My issue is I'm having a really tough time eating enough. I get full off very small portions. I had jaw surgery in 2013 and was put on a liquid diet for a couple of weeks. Ever since then it's very hard to eat much. The only reason I was overweight (yes 134 is overweight at 5'0) before was because I pretty much ate out every meal. So even though the portions felt the same they were significantly higher in calories.  I've seen my doctor to rule out any medical issues for the rapid weight loss (I've been anemic in the past so that's always an issue).
He said as long as I wasn't feeling faint or sluggish that it was fine the amount I was losing.
But I still feel like it's all wrong (if you can't tell already I'm a natural paranoid person).
So yes I guess I don't really know the point of this. I know people on here say I should be eating at a .5 per week loss.  So I guess my question is should I go with my instincts  and try my darnest  (a word? Not sure..) to eat a bit more (I know logically even adding a peice of toast with peanutbutter daily would increase my calories), or believe my doctor and family and continue eating how I have been? Which of course brings one of my biggest worries of what happens when I get to my goal weight and have to eat and maintenence? I also have never really liked my doctor he has always been the type to ignore my issues and pretend like they are nothing so that is possibly adding to my anxiety. I'm sorry for this super long post and I really hope it made sense.


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    If you want to slow it down do so by choosing more calorie dense foods...
  • Jasmunr
    Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    If you want to slow it down do so by choosing more calorie dense foods...

    I forgot to mention I tend not to like calorie dense foods. I really dislike things like bread, cheese, peanutbutter etc. I do like things like avocado and nuts though so I could try adding those. Avocados have just been so expensive the past few months. I guess you could say I'm slightly a picky eater. I don't like food typically kept in a house (yogurt, toast, sandwiches, fruit, oatmeal etc). I know I need to try harder. I'm also super stressed atm (2 jobs, school,3 year old, car breaking down) so I supose that could be one issue why I never want to eat. I guess I just want varification that increasing food intake is worth trying harder for. I'm not getting that from outside forces so it's hard to justify it. I know it's silly. But I already know I'm strange.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    Well, what did you used to eat to get you to 134 lbs? Enjoy more of that! I am 4'11 - hey hey shorties!
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,779 Member
    -How quickly did you lose the bulk of the weight? Several pounds the first two weeks, followed by a slower rate of loss? Water weight.
    -If you are still losing more than one pound per week, definitely up your calories. You're losing too much LBM along with the fat.
    -Your doctor does not realize that the faint/sluggish feeling doesn't always happen right away--I underate for months before it caught up with me. I also lost hair. I don't think that you will see these symptoms with only 15 pounds left, but be aware that this is a delayed reaction. And I don't know whether your past anemia will have any bearing on these symptoms.

    This is very general advice. I don't know what your goal is, what you're eating, or what exercise you're doing. But if you need to change your goal to .5 pounds a week or override your calories to something even higher, do that.