Calories used playing golf


I've just added my current weight and that I played golf for 3 hours this afternoon and the app says I've used up 1700 Calories. Can that be right ? Seems an awful lot, although saying that I'm absolutely shattered and will be going to be before 10pm on a Friday night LOL.


  • fish2find
    fish2find Posts: 221 Member
    I think its a "loose" estimate, that said "mapmywalk" gives around 440 for 40 minutes of brisk walking. To me golf is much walking and stretching, plus the grass and hills. Add "afternoon heat" and Im sure your very close to that.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Did you walk or ride? Carry your clubs or cart them?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    fish2find wrote: »
    I think its a "loose" estimate, that said "mapmywalk" gives around 440 for 40 minutes of brisk walking. To me golf is much walking and stretching, plus the grass and hills. Add "afternoon heat" and Im sure your very close to that.

    "afternoon heat" will not burn additional calories.

    440 is extremely high for 40 minutes of walking. Most people would burn that in 40 minutes of running. Weight also play a role in how much you will burn walking.
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    It is insanely high. You are burning less than 200 calories/9 holes, assuming you're walking and carrying. If you can, count your steps and calculate from there. Calories burnt swinging a club are insignificant.
  • evetsdier
    evetsdier Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the replies, I will take the figure with a pinch of salt (within my daily sodium intake !!)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I have seen these estimates, and I have seen other more reliable studies that don't list quite that high a number, but still a figure much higher than I would expect. All I can say is that I have never lost one ounce of weight from playing golf and I have never known anyone else who has either (although I am sure they exist). And when I play, I don't mess around. I'm too cheap to pay for a cart, so I walk whenever possible, and on a clear course, I can easily finish 18 holes in under 2.5 hrs while walking. I have always used my effort to represent a "max possible" calorie burn for golf. And, as I said, the weight loss effect (or even the weight control effect) has been nonexistent. And while that's only an n=1 sample, it has made me skeptical. Especially since I have worked with hundreds of golfers over the years and none of them has ever lost a pound either.

    So my conclusion he'd to be that there are behavioral or other factors that offset what should be at least a decent calorie burn.