which beachbody program should i invest in for my goals?



  • emurphy416
    emurphy416 Posts: 1 Member
    emmamc252 wrote: »
    p90x looks good for strength but I can't do a single pull up yet so worried that would be a bit like trying to run before I can walk?
    any advice?

    P90x3 may be a good choice if you would like to see strength gains and weight loss. You can use exercise bands instead of doing traditional pull ups and the workouts are 30 minutes instead of 60 minutes for P90x.

  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    emmamc252 wrote: »
    so I am female, 5 ft 8 and currently 140lb, i'm quite a slim frame so my goal weight is about 128-132. So I don't have a huge amount of weight to lose, but I DO still want to lose it. My main goal is to "tone up" which I know basically means building muscle, particular areas I would like to work on is lower body and core (after the kiddos have recked it lol!)

    So you still want to drop weight, which means that you can't really build muscle right now, esp. since you've probably already made your newbie gains with your previous program.

    Pick a strength program (high weight, low rep) to maintain what you've got and pay attention to your calorie deficit.
  • clschuma
    clschuma Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hey emmamc252!
    Saw your question and thought I'd post since I'm a Beachbody Coach myself. All three of the programs you are looking at are excellent for toning up, so the one you choose will depend more on what type of workout you think you would enjoy most, how much money you want to spend, and whether or not you have or are willing to obtain extra workout equipment.
    One of the big plus points for both Insanity and PiYo are that they don't require any extra equipment, so you would be building muscle and burning fat by using your own body weight. That is not the case for P90X which if you read the FAQ sheet requires "a set of dumbbells or lightweight resistance bands, and a chin-up bar that fits in any doorway."
    As far as the type of movements in each workout, PiYo is more of a yoga/pilates infusion and while it definitely makes you sweat, it also focuses a lot on improving flexibility and posture. The movements are slow and controlled involving balance; unlike the running, jumping, and moving about at a quick pace that's found in Insanity. P90X involves cardio circuits similar to those in Insanity, but then also adds the extra weights to build more muscle.
    As far as worrying about Insanity being more for weight loss, that's not necessarily the case. Like someone mentioned in a previous comment, working out can certainly accelerate weight loss by creating a higher caloric deficit (burning more calories than you would normally burn in a day without working out while eating the same amount of calories), but if you get to a point where you don't want to loose any more weight, you can just increase the amount of calories you are eating and make sure the nutritional value of what you're eating is conducive to building muscle.
    Also, don't let yourself be stopped from trying a workout by thinking about the things you can't do (referring to your not being able to do a pull up comment). That's why you're working out, to get better and improve. You don't need to be perfect and be able to do all of the moves on the first run through, you'll gain strength and work your way up. There are plenty of people who have done P90X and other programs without being able to do all of the moves or even make it through the full workout the first time (the Beachbody website has plenty of success stories posted if you want to take a look), but they kept at it and now they can do all of the moves with perfect or at least near perfect form. I hope this helped, and wish you all the best in your health and fitness journey! :)

    [Edited by MFP Mods]
  • 11411
    11411 Posts: 24 Member
    I have just started t25 and it's short workouts but we seem to be working Hard. Shauna T is driving home we need to focus on our cores and you sweat like crazy while at it. Might be of interest to you