Lacking motivation this week! Help!

I have a set goal of dropping a couple dress sizes for part one of my wedding in August. Sadly saris aren't particularly forgiving and that alone should have kicked my *kitten* into gear much sooner! I started in earnest on the 18th of last month, signing up to the gym, using mfp again, and I've lost about 10lb at last weigh in on the 9th. Started off a size 18-16 uk (mostly 18) and am now a definite 16 for bottoms and 18-16 top (mostly due to bust).This is all great, HOWEVER, this last week I've not been able to go to the gym at all due to having the worst cold/chest infection I've had in ages, and as an asthmatic it's making just moving about a chore. I've been trying to be good with calories as I don't want the massive drop in activity to lead to me piling on the pounds but I'm dreading the struggle with fitness levels when I do go back to the gym and I'm worrying about whether this break - though for good reason - is going to affect my motivation when trying to go back. Should I wait till I *think* I'm fully recovered or force myself to go and take it slow once there? Also does anyone have any tips for what they do when they've been forced to have a break?