1400 calories please post typical menu



  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    I'm on 1200 but on the days I exercise I sometimes go up to 1500 if I'm eating calories back.

    Using today as an example; Breakfast was 1 slice of toast with 1tbsp peanut butter and a black coffee (188cal), lunch was grilled salmon with some mixed beans (with chopped tomatoes) and sweet potato (361cal). Snack (as a treat) was a skinny latte and I shared a pastry (329). Dinner was a chicken and broccoli veg bake that I made from scratch, and I made a cauliflower sauce for (using fat free cheese, onions and stock). And that came to 434 cals (100 of which was cheese though, oops! haha). 1312 calories total (minus the 343 exercise burned and I'm still under my intake goal).

    Breakfast ideas; for me it usually consists of eggs, as they fill me up and set me up for the day. 1 slice toast, 1 poached egg and some spinach comes in at around 160cals (depending on what products you buy). Failing that replace the egg and spinach with peanut butter (+20 more cals usually, again depending on products). On weeks I know I'll be busy/leaving early or in a rush, I make egg muffins that I can reheat quickly or grab and eat them cold. Literally just eggs beaten and mixed with veggies and some ham, works out about 70 cals each usually so can have 2 or 3 depending on food plans for the rest of the day :)

    Lunch; grilled chicken or salmon, boiled/microwaved sweet potato, spinach or green beans. Salads with chicken and bell peppers. Writing this all out has made me realise I eat a LOT of spinach haha. Bell peppers grilled and stuffed with tuna and veggies.

    Dinner depends entirely on what I feel like making, it's all about substituting the less healthy things and making smarter/healthier choices :) If I have a lot of calories left I may have something with a tortilla or pasta, if not then just different veggies and a piece of chicken, salmon or maybe some prawns. I love looking up new recipes on Pinterest, it's great for inspiration :)

    Hope this has helped! Feel free to friend me or drop me a message if you want any more ideas, I love talking healthy meal plan ideas! :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    MsBonfire wrote: »
    I have me a total ar$e of my first week and I'm wondering what your menu looks like in a typical day.

    What do you like to eat?

    I would say start with that but less. At least that is what I did while losing weight and what I do now that I've been maintaining.
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    You can add me if you want. Mine is open to friends. I have a somewhat restrictive diet in that I can't eat wheat or lactose (hard cheese okay, lactose-free stuff), and some veggies/stone fruits etc. I eat a lot of repetitive items. But my calories right now are about 1400 and I eat chocolate almost every day :)
  • bbontheb
    bbontheb Posts: 718 Member
    I eat a lot of spinach I think as well. I LOVE it. I have always loved spinach and still am not tired of it as a veggie to eat. I splash a bit of rice vinegar and salt on it and nom nom.