Do you think you look like your actual age?



  • Ria_StayingFit
    Ria_StayingFit Posts: 6,891 Member
    Peche you get 29? Wow
  • pechepanda
    pechepanda Posts: 7,939 Member
    Peche you get 29? Wow

    yea, I look older with make up and less sleep,
    I look quite a bit older in almost all the other pictures I have on here
  • SugarBabyGirl
    SugarBabyGirl Posts: 7,026 Member
    People are always shocked when they figure out how old my kids are.
  • Crhan05
    Crhan05 Posts: 1,608 Member
    Yes. Sticking with 21 lol
  • buttetfly77
    buttetfly77 Posts: 92 Member
    Idk??? Do I?
  • angelxbaby714
    angelxbaby714 Posts: 937 Member
    I think I look 24(:
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm 40, but most people think I'm in my early to mid 20s. I sometimes get rude comments when I'm with my 14 year old because people assume I had her as a preteen. I got many nasty comments when she was a baby and I was in my mid 20s.

    I did get mistaken for a student 3 times at her school this past year. That doesn't get old!
  • honeybenn
    honeybenn Posts: 25 Member
    I get told I look younger than 58-well I'll be 59 in August but man I feel my age everyday!
  • 460mustang
    460mustang Posts: 196 Member
    People say I look younger, so I'll stick with that
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    Pretty sure I look pretty close to my age.
  • LouisianaHotSauce_93
    LouisianaHotSauce_93 Posts: 184 Member
    No. If i go into a store.
    They think I'm 17.

    IM 21!! ALMOST 22!!
  • mygatorgirl8
    mygatorgirl8 Posts: 38 Member
    People say I look younger....I have a 39 year old son.
  • Fitnessinspotogo
    Fitnessinspotogo Posts: 133 Member
  • blueyellowhorse
    blueyellowhorse Posts: 708 Member
    I'm 19, I get told I look like 22.
  • Fitnessflexibility
    Fitnessflexibility Posts: 795 Member
    I get asked if my 15 year old daughter is my sister all the time, she use to get annoyed because it happens so much
  • mjgrin
    mjgrin Posts: 883 Member
    Everyone tells me I look older. It's probably because of my height too. I get mistaken for 26-28 often.
  • nomad5326
    nomad5326 Posts: 871 Member
    My knees tell me yes, but my soul shouts NO. Honestly, I don't know how old I look. When I go back home to TN I feel young as hell, In CA I feel my age.
  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    I will be 43 in 3 weeks. I always get told I look younger. It is often just in discussions where someone will make the assumption I am younger. Funny thing is starting at 13 people thought I was in my early twenties so I think basically I have looked the generally the same since I was mostly a teen till now.
  • Elle_Bronwyn15
    Elle_Bronwyn15 Posts: 296 Member
    I've heard anything from 19 to my actual age (26). It depends on my clothing, hair etc...
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    I think as life in the US has gotten less in the labor area we age a lot less "hard". So, people in their 40's look closer to 30's, 30s to 20's etc. Just my opinion.

    I'm a short guy and when I shave people think i'm real young lol