Hi new to this ! looking on tips on gaining muscle mass

I'm 24 from Dublin, working towards becoming a fitness instructor at the minute so I'm strict on my diet etc... Have stopped smoking and drinking (has to be done:-) ) and looking to change my lifestyle for good :-).... If anyone has any tips on how to shred extra body fat as my % is 25 at the minute and want to be at 15 asap!!!! Also how to increase metabolism??? Thanks :-)


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Your title thread asks for muscle building tips, but your thread content asks for fat loss help.

    Slightly confusing, as it's not likely you'll be doing both at the same time. So.... If you want to lose bf first, eat at a deficit. To retain as much muscle as possible whilst you do this, don't make your deficit overly excessive, eat sufficient protien and do resistance training. Losing fat "as fast as possible" will not help you retain your muscle mass, and you'll likely end up losing a lot of that too.

    You won't increase your metabolism whilst dieting. You're losing weight, and inevitably losing muscle mass which means you need less to function. You're also restricting calories and your body will likely start to adapt to the reduced calories by lowering your bmr.

    Your diet should be strict but not restricted. Your food choices should be nutrient dense most of the time but you can still eat foods that aren't without being "unhealthy".
  • heatherkimmurphy
    heatherkimmurphy Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for your advice, I'm totally new to all this and probably trying too much too fast.... I started Herbalife and coach told me weights will increase muscle mass and cardio will burn fat hence my comment... Is it a better idea to burn body fat then gain muscle in your opinion?

  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited June 2015
    Calorie deficit loses fat/weight. Exercise just increases calories out so that calories in can be more whilst still getting results.

    You need to train weights when you're dieting to retain muscle, you won't be growing any. Cardio will help create a bigger deficit.

    Herbalife won't help you lose weight any more than eating real food will. If you're training to become a fitness instructor, surely you have the knowledge to know you don't need that stuff to get results?

    Whether you are trying to lose bf or grow muscle is up to you. To grow you need to eat over maintenance and lift progressively heavier - having a proper lifting program will help. You will put fat on at the same time, the amount of caloric surplus will determine how much...
  • heatherkimmurphy
    heatherkimmurphy Posts: 5 Member
    Not currently training to be a fitness instructor I'm working towards it.... This is why I'm asking these questions and totally new to the fitness field! Want to gain sufficient knowledge before studying as no point in starting a new career with no knowledge and going in blind. Just looking for tips on all fields thanks!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Surely you have some knowledge already - it would be an area you're interested in and educate yourself on if it's what you're passionate about? How else do you know that you want to get in to the fitness industry?
  • heatherkimmurphy
    heatherkimmurphy Posts: 5 Member
    You have to start somewhere, hence looking for tips to help me .. Never claimed to be a fitness professional.. Thanks for all your advice really helped me out :-)