Overcoming Injury Exercise Suggestions?

I’m looking for tips, pointers, ideas, things to watch out for or be aware of, and what may have worked for you. I have a few physical “ailments” that I have to deal with and my doc doesn’t seem to be able to give me a lot of insight other than “don’t push yourself too hard, just know your limits” I’m not good with limits, it’s how I wound up in this situation. Now I seem to have taken the polar opposite approach, over limiting, and this isn’t working either. Here’s my “list”

Current hiatal hernia – putting off surgery
Past Inguinal hernia, repaired (09/10) and then repaired the repair (03/11)
Degenerative bulging disc in the L4 / L5 region – been told no twisting and no weight over 25lbs
Torn left rotator cuff (03/13) – do not want to do surgery, would prefer to train my body to deal with it. It’s not a major tear
“Activity induced” asthma for which I’ve finally gotten an inhaler for and it actually seems to help

In short, my core is kinda messed up. I know strengthening it aside from these issues should ultimately help the issues… I just don’t know how to safely work into that. I’ve always been someone who just jumps right in full force. Generally I’m an active outdoors person and have never enjoyed the gym. I snowboard during the season every weekend. Hike a few miles at least a couple times a month and walk the dog a couple/few miles a couple times a week, I also generally kayak as much as I can get someone to join me, maybe a couple times a month. Recently I’ve tried running, if I wear the support belt for my back it alleviates a lot of the disc issue however the belt sits just at the bottom side of the hernia and makes that ache and after a mild walk/jog 5k the shoulder is killing me.

I know it has to be possible to overcome these things but with the poor input from the doc and physical therapist and my general “gung ho!” take on things, I cannot for the life of me get going 2 steps forward without knocking myself 3 steps back. I had dropped from 250lbs in 2010 to 175 in 2011 then after hurting my disc again in December 2012 got back up to 190. Was down to 180 in March 2013 and tore the rotator cuff, back up to 189 today. The “numbers” aren’t my focal point nearly as much as how I feel physically. I only note them to relate the fluctuations as they relate to the activity and injuries. With my muscle mass and frame I’m content at 165-170 and wouldn’t want to be under 150.

Any suggestions on working slowly into / through these issues?


  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    Try the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds DVD series-low impact aerobics and you can modify to your ability. Walking is good if you start out slowly until your back feels better. If your rotator would cooperate well enough,. bicycling is great for your dis issue-I have a problem like yours and I ride when I can-it seems to help take some pressure off the discs for a bit, plus strengthens the core gently. Also, my dr. told me that squats help strengthen stuff adn if you do them gently, they won't trash your body. Butt to the floor isn't necessary, especially to start. I am still very nervous about weights and the twisting stuff, so I only use tiny 2 lb.weights and I don't twist. I have come a really long way, but I am not nearly strong enough yet, and it's been three years. As I've lost weight, everything in general has improved.