80lbs to lose with hypothyrodism

kristinhull1 Posts: 294 Member
Hi my names Kristin. I am 24 years old and a Mother to a 2 year old little boy. I am 4'11 and 180lbs. My Dr wants my goal weight to be between 100-130 to be healthy weight. I have tried weight loss once before. I got down 15lbs after 5 months of trying to lose weight. I kicked my habit of drinking pop and went straight to water and ate so much protein I thought id turn into protein. I worked out a hour a day. Only 15lbs in 5 months. I got discouraged and just gave up.

Now 6 years ago I was 90lbs and in a size zero jeans. I ate 3 meals a day and walked to and from school everyday. I had 2 pops a day and drank mostly kool aid and couldnt gain weight. I had my Son 2 years ago and weighed 200lbs when I gave birth. I lost 50lbs by my 6 week checkup. So within the past 2 years I have gained 30lbs. I am a overeater and im addicted to pop. I hate veggies and I hate fruits.

My Dr diagnosed me with hypothyrodism and told me to take iodine pills to correct it. I stopped going to my Dr because he was way to into religion to be a Dr. So I stopped seeing him.

I am going back to my weight loss journey as soon as I can get to the store to buy some groceries. I want to pick up healthy choices but I dont know what to pick up. I am a very picky eater. Veggies and fruits arent my strong suit. But im going to start putting them into my diet atleast for dinner and snacks. Im trying to get macros right and trying to add healthier choices. I dont like water but was thinking about buying bottled water and adding a lemonade water enhancer into it. Buying lots of eggs, canned chicken, canned veggies, dole fruit cups, protein bars, wheat bread. Im just trying to do this right this time and need some advice on how to lose weight gradually and not hit any platues. Im also gonna add 1 hour of exercise a day. Day 1 legs and butt day 2 walking day 3 stomach day 4 walking day 5 strength training day 6 strength training...Just looking for some good advice on how to lose weight. I have to lose between 60-80lbs.


  • bellcait
    bellcait Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a picky eater too, so here are my guidelines I use for myself: Make water your best friend. If you have to add those flavored things, do it. Just make sure they're low calorie. Eggs can be a great help you if you like them - have them for breakfast, hard-boil a couple to put into a salad, etc. They're a great source of protein. Chicken should only be baked or grilled. Don't eat red meat too much. Order sweet potato fries instead of regular fries. All these small adjustments have helped me lose weight, despite being picky. Remember, to have lasting success you need to change your habits!

    15 pounds in 5 months would frustrate me too. Maybe focus on your change in appearance rather than the number on the scale. If you stick to a workout routine, even if it's just walking, you'll see the results in the mirror. I really hope you succeed in your journey! MFP is a great form of motivation if you ever need it :)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited June 2015
    If you have thyroid issues, you need to be properly assessed by a competent doctor and given the proper medication and dosage. That should be your first priority because if your thyroid is out of whack, it will make losing weight harder than it needs to be.

    There's a group here on MFP that talks about all sorts of thyroid-related issues:

  • ccassityii
    ccassityii Posts: 23 Member
    edited June 2015
    I have hypothyroidism and my doctor gave me Levothyroxine that I have to take every morning an hour before breakfast, without it I never lost weight no matter how much I worked out or ate right. Find another doctor if you need too and get your blood worked checked out, make sure they also check your T3's and T4's. I lost 18 lbs, even with hypothyroidism and in a short amount of time, but I gained it back because I moved and stopped working out and eating good. I just restarted 8 days ago, so I am looking forward to losing even more and sticking with it.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    Hypothyroid is a catch all word. Unfortunately hypothyroidism can come about for far too many reasons including pregnancy. Weight gain is not the only symptom there are about 300 some overlap. As well as joining the group mentioned above may I suggest you look into Stop the thyroid Madness. It was founded because twenty or more years ago this was a real problem for so many and the issues still go on as does the disinformation. STTM is a website with a book (Second edition, which has been updated in recent times). For those in the US it has a list of helpful medics, for others outside the US it has some. But for all there is a mountain of information to help you understand what you have challenging you and give you the information you need to understand it as best anyone can, as well as what you need to know about your vitamin and mineral needs to bring your health back to as near as possible. This is not for the fainthearted but the sooner you start the more chance you have. Set out with pen and paper to log what information you found on what page. Countries also have their own support sites.

    Finding the answers appropriate to you will take time but you will find support on the group mentioned above so you will not be on your one thought it can feel like it.

    All the very best.
  • ccassityii
    ccassityii Posts: 23 Member
    Yeah, my doctor tested my thyroid because I would sleep all night and basically sleep all day as well and I had no energy, I had to get my gall bladder taken out, and I told her my other problems and found out my thyroid was messed up, got my T3 and T4 checked also, now my blood is fine, I have to get it checked every month just about but my levels are good.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    If you are hypohyroid, you need to treat this. If it caused by an iodine deficiency, you need iodine supplements. If it is caused by another reason, you need appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Wishing it goes away will not work, so you need a dr you trust.
    Other than this, count calories, and you will lose.