Trying to slim down by New Years

Hi, my name is Bella, I'm 20 years old and I am trying to get from my current weight of 180lbs to 130 by New Years. I have a trip abroad with my best friend, and I want to look like my old self again.


  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited June 2015
    First, 50 lb in 24 weeks is not a realistic or healthy goal, unless a person starts out massively overweight (well
    over 100 lb overweight). If all you want to lose is 50 lb (and that will bring you to a healthy weight), you might
    be able to lose 1.5 lb/week at first, but that will slow as you get closer to a healthy weight. For the last 30 lb or
    so even 0.5 lb/week will be a victory.

    Secondly, is 130 lb a healthy & realistic weight for you? There's a BMI app here on MFP, or the blog post I link to
    below about goal-setting has several. If that's not in the middle of the healthy BMI range for your height, adjust
    your expectations.

    Aim for a realistic & healthy weight, and realize that in 24 weeks you could reasonably expect to lose perhaps
    15 lb if you really work at it. What will make more of a difference in your appearance is weightlifting. You'll lose
    inches, get strong, and look amazing.

    Here's a newbie help post with links to useful info.
    Start with sexypants.
    Then read the one about setting realistic goals.