Must stop eating chocolate!



  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member

    Your diet doesn't sound like it consists of much variety. Salad and diet shakes every day sounds very boring. Why spend your precious calories on the same boring things day in and day out?
    No wonder whatever chocolate lying around is the object of your infatuation.

    I recommend spending your calories on foods that excite you , including chocolate, and getting more variety.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,139 Member
    how many calories a day are you eating OP?

    and your diet sounds super restrictive….
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Milk chocolate usually, or anything I can get my hands on and in large amounts!!! I'll give dark choc ago, hopefully it might put me off chocolate all together if I dont like it

    Try Lindt, Vosges, Chuao. Just to name a few. Some other chocolate lovers can suggest more. 80% and up is great.

    Lindt Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt. <drools>
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Your diet doesn't sound like it consists of much variety. Salad and diet shakes every day sounds very boring. Why spend your precious calories on the same boring things day in and day out?
    No wonder whatever chocolate lying around is the object of your infatuation.

    I recommend spending your calories on foods that excite you , including chocolate, and getting more variety.

    This! If you have a very satisfying meal, you'll be less likely to look for food pleasure in chocolate.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I, too, eat more chocolate than I ever have now that I'm losing weight! I find it gives me something to look forward to at the end of my day. Not a reward, as I don't believe in that, but just something to cap the day with. [Quality] Dark chocolate is amazing! As others have said, it doesn't take much to satisfy you.

    Being less restrictive during the day will help you avoid binges, so you may tweak your foods during the day to see how you can stay fuller longer.
  • Agathokakological
    Agathokakological Posts: 136 Member
    I tried getting over my chocolate addiction. I ended up having to remove it from my diet temporarily, along with cakes and cookies and stuff. The only sweet things I eat now are fruits, and chocolate and vanilla animal crackers. I weigh out the animal crackers and get about 16 for 105 calories a day. It helps when I want something sweet, and chocolate. I will work chocolate and sweets back in once I feel like my self control can be managed better.

    I absolutely love chocolate and sweets, but I love myself more and want to be healthy. That won't happen if I binge on sweets all the time.
  • andyluvv
    andyluvv Posts: 281 Member
    Yep I'm definitely not full, its the afternoon at work is the worst time for me.

    My tip would be if you can't live without it - make it work for you.
    So if you like chocolate, find a healthier alternative.

    I used to have OhSo! Dark chocolate probiotic (the no sugar added version). It's just 60 calories, really good for youa and may make you pass up the chocolate at work because you've already got your own.
    Another thing is, make sure you eat enough at work so you don't feel hungry and cave in - I always have avocado for lunch as it keeps me full until the afternoon. Then it's time to leave work and grab a healthy sandwich on the way. If I'm desperate I just had 5 nuts or something to keep me going. They're also wrapped individually so I'd always carry one in my bag so I wouldn't overdo it.

    They're really good and quite tasty,, and you'll have an easier time fitting 60 calories in your journal.
    Good luck! :)
  • 11411
    11411 Posts: 24 Member
    A kinesiology practitioner advised me to take a spoonful of apple cider vinegar when I have choc or sweet cravings. Anyone ever heard of that? ?? I haven't tried it yet. Was only the other day. Also, is dark chocolate an acquired taste when we are so used to milk?
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    11411 wrote: »
    A kinesiology practitioner advised me to take a spoonful of apple cider vinegar when I have choc or sweet cravings. Anyone ever heard of that? ??

    Yes, and it's hooey. ;)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    If you cant eat in moderation, then you can fit some into your calorie allowance. Eat chcolate just eat less.

    There are plenty of threads where people suggest different chocolate options that have lower calories or tips like moving to dark chocolate and keeping it in the fridge (use the search function). You can always do a bit of extra cardio to earn some extra calories and use it as eatback. An average chocolate bar is 250 calories and a bag of chips from 95 up to 240.

    Cutting it out compeletely can often lead people to binge. Chocolate and crisps yes please, every day for me.
  • eDonatti
    eDonatti Posts: 49 Member
    I'm from UK. For me - ITSU dark chocolate rice cakes and Kinder chocolate with cereals bars - these are the chocolate treats I'm having when I crave chocolate. It helps to know that I can have 1 or 2 if I really want and this won't cost me an entire meal :)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    If you're in the states try finding a grocery store near you that sells Halo Top chocolate ice cream- it's low cal and it's amazing! When I crave chocolate I eat this and it curbs it for not too many calories out of my day! :)
  • eDonatti
    eDonatti Posts: 49 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    If you're in the states try finding a grocery store near you that sells Halo Top chocolate ice cream- it's low cal and it's amazing! When I crave chocolate I eat this and it curbs it for not too many calories out of my day! :)

    ...and it's an ice cream!!! Need to find something like that here.
  • 2bfit_2015
    2bfit_2015 Posts: 42 Member
    Chocolate is my let down every time, food I can handle, am mostly eating salads and slim shake....but I can't stop snacking at work on chocolate and biscuits etc. genuinely has anone managed to get over this hurdle and can give me advice other than will power which I lack!

    I've lost 34 lbs easy while still indulging in chocolate almost every single day. The only difference between now and before is now I eat a few pieces instead of eating an entire pack well over 1000 calories lol. I find that letting myself have a few pieces keeps me away from huge binges which I've had a tendency at doing when I felt deprived. Now I also allow myself to have a bigger cheat meal after a week or two of being good and I allow myself to eat what I desire as long as I stay under 2200 calories (which is maintenance for me) and it has worked wonders for me. I look forward to those days. Hope this helps!
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    The unhealthy way to do it: eat nothing but chocolate for a day or two. Literally nothing else. You even lose weight despite the calories but you feel sicker than fasting. You will not want chocolate after that.

    Otherwise: unsweetened cocoa powder, salt, stevia, almond milk and hot water make super low-calorie hot chocolate. :3
  • pianoplaya94
    pianoplaya94 Posts: 185 Member
    Not sure how helpful this will be for you... but it works for me. I have the world's biggest sweet tooth. I could literally replace all of my meals with sweets. One day I decided to put some of that crystal light stuff (the squirt kind) that you put into water, in boiling water. It's so good! It's much sweeter than tea, so you get your sweet fix. I love it and have it ever night!
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    Try Popsicle brand fudgecicles. They're only 40 calories and just yum! I eat chocolate daily. I think I go into some kind of withdrawal if I don't have it every few hours. LOL I add 1/2 tablespoon of Hershey's baking chocolate into my chocolate protein smoothie for lunch, then mix in some dark chocolate cashew milk (when I can find it). It's still not enough. I even have a chocolate topping I put on my popcorn that has next to no calories so I don't even log it.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I also just add unsweetened cocoa powder to like...everything. I just ate it on my berries.

    Love it! I too like cocoa with yogurt and berries. It’s yum, and has fat which is great. There’s nothing wrong with chocolate, and I agree that dark chocolate is a great option. It’s satisfying and helps toward my fat macro, so I see nothing wrong with it.