When will I see results??

Hey a week ago today I joined the gym.I have a lot of weight to lose but already I'm hooked!How many often should I go? and how long before I see results??? any advice is most appreciated xx


  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    Results depends on what you are eating, not just your exercise. If you exercise, but eat back everything you lost WHILE exercising, it defeats the purpose. May I ask your stats? Start weight, current weight, goal weight? The calories per day you are shooting for?

    I saw my results the first week, just from cutting out sodas/fried foods.
  • AnthonyThrashD_
    AnthonyThrashD_ Posts: 85 Member
    Body composition transformation is slow. It's like trying to watch grass grow. If you want to see change, use a tape measure to track your waist, thighs and neck.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    You may see results in a few weeks or a few months. I had a lot to lose and it seemed like it was forever before I could tell a difference! I highly recommend that you take your measurements monthly and keep an outfit that is too tight now (try it on monthly to see how loose it gets over time) as ways to see your results when the scale doesn't seem to be moving. Also, start doing some strength training now to maintain your muscle mass and to give you a leaner look overall. Good luck!
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    Ah, to clarify on my post, I meant it defeats the purpose only if you aren't eating at a caloric deficit at all, and eat back calories from exercising. And for 'seeing results', I meant weight-wise.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited June 2015
    It depends what you mean by results? If you mean visible, then that depends whether you are at deficit or not and is influenced by what you consume as well as what you burn. deficit created by reucing consumption is likely to be more influential as its quite hard to burn significant amounts at the gym. use the tape measure.

    In terms of fitness you should be making progress in a few weeks in endurance, speed and strength presuming you are moderately challenging yourself. These are significnat for your health.

    If you eat back 100% of your exercise calories it doesnt completely defeat the purpose because MFP creates your initial deficit totally from reducing consumption.

    You will still have the fitness benefits from the exercise, which can include a temporary increase in metabolism.

    The opportunity to eatback calories gives you extra food, which can make it easier to sustain the initial deficit. Exercise calories gives you added flexibility as opposed to those creating the deficit by food reduction alone.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Weight loss comes from having a calorie deficit.

    So your results are going to be dependent on whether or not you have a deficit.

    Exercise for fitness and cardiovascular health (and fun if you enjoy your activity, which you should).
    Deficit for weight loss.
  • sarabrunning
    sarabrunning Posts: 21 Member
    If you work on building muscle it will help boost your metabolism and burn fat faster. I'd pay the most attention to the fit of your clothes versus the scale, as muscle weights more than fat (but is denser and uses less space per lb) so your body shape will begin to change before you lose a ton of weight, most likely. Keep up the good work, and also pay attention to diet and don't get discouraged! Most people usually can see results in themselves around 6 weeks, while your friends may notice thinning around the face etc sooner.